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AsB,6BACtBC,sBACI,82BAIJC,+BAAgC,uCAChCC,gCACI,kZAEJC,gCACI,0nBAGJC,gCACI,0MACJC,sBAAuB,6BACvBC,uBACI,0iBAGJC,uBACI,oMACJC,uBAAwB,8BACxBC,wBACI,uZAEJC,wBACI,6MACJC,yBACI,2JACJC,yBACI,sKACJC,yBACI,6HACJC,yBACI,qLACJC,yBAA0B,yFAC1BC,yBACI,g+BAKJC,yBACI,0zBAEJC,yBACI,gdACJC,yBACI,0hCAKJC,yBACI,6JACJC,yBACI,8nBAGJC,yBACI,4HACJC,yBACI,6GACJC,yBACI,sUAEJC,yBACI,mLACJC,mBAAoB,yBACpBC,oBACI,sxBAIJC,sBAAuB,8BACvBC,uBACI,2OACJC,wBAAyB,wEACzBC,wBAAyB,4DACzBC,wBACI,6GACJC,wBAAyB,0FACzBC,wBAAyB,kFACzBC,wBACI,+FACJC,wBAAyB,2EACzBC,wBACI,iGACJC,wBACI,iJACJC,uBACI,+5BAIJC,gBAAiB,sBACjBC,iBACI,+7BAIJC,iBACI,idAEJC,iBACI,6UAEJC,iBACI,4KACJC,YAAa,eACbC,aACI,qMACJC,OAAQ,aACRC,QACI,4YAEJC,kBAAmB,0BACnBC,mBACI,qLACJC,UAAW,gBACXC,WACI,8cAEJC,iCAAkC,0CAClCC,kCACI,uQAEJC,aAAc,oBACdC,cACI,+OACJC,aAAc,mBACdC,cACI,+QAEJC,2BAA4B,uCAC5BC,SAAU,WACVC,4BACI,o0BAIJC,4BACI,uXAEJC,4BAA6B,uCAC7BC,4BACI,qHACJC,6BACI,yIACJC,6BACI,kRAEJC,6BACI,mHACJC,6BACI,kVAEJC,6BACI,uOACJC,6BACI,yQAEJC,6BAA8B,oBAC9BC,4BACI,oTAEJC,4BAA6B,yEAC7BC,4BAA6B,iBAC7BC,4BAA6B,cAC7BC,4BAA6B,sDAC7BC,6BAA8B,gDAC9BC,8BACI,yKACJC,8BAA+B,kFAC/BC,8BACI,0LACJC,8BACI,2JACJC,8BACI,wPACJC,8BAA+B,qBAC/BC,gBAAiB,uBACjBC,WAAY,eACZC,0BACI,kMACJC,uBACI,yQAEJC,4BACI,sWAEJC,uBACI,yTAEJC,yBACI,sSAEJC,mBACI,6pBAGJC,oBAAqB,wBACrBC,SAAU,WACVC,UAAW,OACXC,WAAY,mBACZC,WACI,2GACJC,WAAY,WACZC,WACI,8NACJC,UACI,2IACJC,UACI,kIACJC,UACI,mLACJC,UACI,0PACJC,UACI,mTAEJC,YAAa,eACbC,aAAc,oBACdC,cACI,qHACJC,gBAAiB,cACjBC,gBACI,+MACJC,gBAAiB,cACjBC,gBACI,iHACJC,gBAAiB,qBACjBC,gBACI,2IACJC,gBAAiB,iBACjBC,gBACI,qGACJC,gBAAiB,YACjBC,iBACI,wOACJC,iBAAkB,WAClBC,iBAAkB,UAClBC,iBAAkB,aAClBC,iBAAkB,uCAClBC,gBAAiB,6BACjBC,gBACI,qJACJC,gBAAiB,kBACjBC,gBACI,2MACJC,gBAAiB,gCACjBC,iBACI,wUAEJC,iBAAkB,wBAClBC,iBAAkB,gGAClBC,gBAAiB,kBACjBC,gBACI,kLACJC,iBAAkB,mBAClBC,iBAAkB,0EAClBC,iBAAkB,kBAClBC,iBAAkB,kCAClBC,iBAAkB,SAClBC,iBAAkB,qDAClBC,iBAAkB,6DAClBC,iBACI,siBAGJC,iBAAkB,0BAClBC,iBAAkB,yDAClBC,iBAAkB,qBAClBC,iBACI,oIACJC,iBAAkB,cAClBC,iBAAkB,+CAClBC,iBAAkB,eAClBC,kBAAmB,0EACnBC,kBAAmB,YACnBC,kBAAmB,QACnBC,kBAAmB,UACnBC,kBAAmB,qCACnBC,iBAAkB,kBAClBC,iBAAkB,mCAClBC,iBAAkB,aAClBC,iBACI,sVAEJC,iBAAkB,aAClBC,iBACI,8GACJC,iBAAkB,qBAClBC,iBACI,8GACJC,iBAAkB,iBAClBC,iBACI,6WAEJC,iBAAkB,iBAClBC,iBACI,yHACJC,iBAAkB,uBAClBC,iBACI,8OACJC,iBAAkB,UAClBC,iBACI,0nBAGJC,cACI,yGACJC,cACI,uNACJC,cACI,qJACJC,cACI,gJACJC,cACI,2HACJC,cACI,2HACJC,cACI,6KACJC,cAAe,6DACfC,cACI,gNACJC,aAAc,oCACdC,cACI,gJACJC,cAAe,wCACfC,eACI,8KACJC,eACI,gTAEJC,eACI,yUAEJC,cACI,wNACJC,eACI,+HACJC,eAAgB,0CAChBC,eAAgB,8CAChBC,eAAgB,wCAChBC,eACI,iHACJC,eACI,+SAEJC,cAAe,4FACfC,eACI,6HACJC,gBACI,gVAEJC,gBACI,+IACJC,eACI,qMACJC,eACI,2GACJC,eACI,uSAEJC,eACI,kLACJC,cACI,iNACJC,cACI,0uBAGJC,cACI,yJACJC,aAAc,cACdC,cACI,gJACJC,aAAc,mBACdC,cACI,sQAEJC,cACI,qXAEJC,cACI,2cAEJC,aAAc,sBACdC,eACI,uMACJC,eAAgB,gBAChBC,eACI,85BAIJC,aAAc,4BACdC,cACI,6HACJC,cACI,sWAEJC,eACI,+OACJC,eACI,wWAEJC,cACI,wSAEJC,aAAc,4BACdC,cAAe,uBACfC,cAAe,sCACfC,eAAgB,0EAChBC,eACI,+NACJC,cACI,+GACJC,cACI,qHACJC,cACI,2HACJC,cACI,gMACJC,cACI,uIACJC,cACI,sXAEJC,cACI,sNACJC,aAAc,yBACdC,cACI,yIACJC,cACI,4OACJC,aAAc,wBACdC,cACI,wZAEJC,cACI,0PACJC,cAAe,sBACfC,eACI,0OACJC,gBACI,yGACJC,gBAAiB,+EACjBC,gBACI,8GACJC,gBACI,mIACJC,gBACI,qIACJC,gBACI,mdAEJC,eACI,yOACJC,eACI,yJACJC,eACI,0LACJC,eACI,6GACJC,eAAgB,wFAChBC,eACI,+ZAEJC,cAAe,gBACfC,eACI,weAEJC,eACI,mUAEJC,eAAgB,oEAChBC,gBACI,gHACJC,gBACI,uJACJC,gBAAiB,iFACjBC,cAAe,8BACfC,eACI,yNACJC,gBAAiB,iEACjBC,gBACI,qHACJC,gBACI,gKACJC,eAAgB,4EAChBC,gBACI,ifAEJC,eAAgB,6EAChBC,gBAAiB,kFACjBC,gBAAiB,wDACjBC,eACI,gfAEJC,cAAe,iBACfC,eACI,k6CAMJC,cAAe,wBACfC,eACI,4mBAGJC,cAAe,4BACfC,eACI,2KACJC,gBAAiB,uFACjBC,eAAgB,oGAChBC,gBACI,2GACJC,gBACI,8KACJC,gBACI,2GACJC,cAAe,2BACfC,eACI,+IACJC,cAAe,gBACfC,eACI,8OACJC,cAAe,oBACfC,eACI,qzBAIJC,cAAe,eACfC,eACI,iNACJC,cAAe,gBACfC,eACI,mJACJC,cAAe,aACfC,eACI,sZAEJC,cAAe,0BACfC,eACI,gMACJC,cAAe,gBACfC,eACI,gOACJC,eACI,8PACJC,cAAe,uBACfC,eACI,2OACJC,eACI,+XAEJC,cAAe,iBACfC,eACI,wKACJC,eACI,8KACJC,cAAe,+BACfC,eACI,qcAEJC,cAAe,cACfC,eACI,kZAEJC,eACI,qeAEJC,eAAgB,8DAChBC,gBAAiB,kBACjBC,gBAAiB,uBACjBC,gBAAiB,6DACjBC,gBAAiB,8BACjBC,gBACI,yGACJC,cAAe,gBACfC,eACI,gOACJC,eACI,+QAEJC,cAAe,oBACfC,eACI,qSAEJC,cAAe,mBACfC,eACI,6dAEJC,0BAA2B,qCAC3BC,MAAO,SACPC,WAAY,iBACZC,YACI,mlBAGJC,YAAa,+DACbC,aAAc,oBACdC,aACI,ohBAGJC,aAAc,qBACdC,aACI,+MACJC,aAAc,kBACdC,aACI,yKACJC,YACI,+NACJC,YAAa,wFACbC,MAAO,SACPC,iBAAkB,oBAClBC,kBAAmB,qDACnBC,kBAAmB,qDACnBC,kBAAmB,2CACnBC,MAAO,SACPC,kBAAmB,4DACnBC,iBACI,wHACJC,kBACI,iOACJC,kBACI,iTAEJC,kBACI,4VAEJC,iBACI,sGACJC,kBACI,8GACJC,kBACI,kHACJC,kBACI,ySAEJC,iBAAkB,qCAClBC,kBACI,iRAEJC,kBAAmB,yBACnBC,mBACI,mUAEJC,kBAAmB,yBACnBC,6BAA8B,sCAC9BC,+BAAgC,0CAChCC,gCAAiC,+BACjCC,oCACI,+HACJC,8BAA+B,iBAC/BC,+BACI,6NACJC,sCAAuC,aACvCC,uCAAwC,oDACxCC,wCAAyC,qDACzCC,yCACI,0JACJC,6CAA8C,qBAC9CC,8CACI,qIACJC,qCAAsC,oBACtCC,sCAAuC,iCACvCC,uCAAwC,cACxCC,wCAAyC,8CACzCC,iCAAkC,QAClCC,kCACI,0HACJC,sDAAuD,+BACvDC,uDACI,+UAEJC,uDAAwD,wBACxDC,uDACI,mGACJC,kDAAmD,2BACnDC,mDACI,iFACJC,wCAAyC,gBACzCC,yCACI,yKACJC,mCAAoC,UACpCC,oCACI,6FACJC,gCAAiC,OACjCC,iCACI,wGACJC,gCAAiC,OACjCC,iCAAkC,4BAClCC,gDAAiD,0BACjDC,iDACI,qEACJC,iCAAkC,SAClCC,kCAAmC,qDACnCC,sCAAuC,eACvCC,uCACI,gJACJC,yCAA0C,iBAC1CC,0CACI,sOACJC,+CAAgD,wBAChDC,gDACI,mHACJC,sCAAuC,aACvCC,uCAAwC,gDACxCC,uCAAwC,cACxCC,wCAAyC,2EACzCC,wCAAyC,YACzCC,wCAAyC,MACzCC,wCAAyC,UACzCC,wCAAyC,qCACzCC,4CAA6C,mBAC7CC,6CACI,qIACJC,+CAAgD,uBAChDC,gDACI,oNACJC,6CAA8C,qBAC9CC,8CACI,8GACJC,iDAAkD,yBAClDC,kDACI,8EACJC,uDAAwD,gCACxDC,wDACI,8QAEJC,yCAA0C,iBAC1CC,0CACI,mIACJC,qCAAsC,aACtCC,sCACI,0KACJC,8BAA+B,cAC/BC,+BACI,2JACJC,gCAAiC,wDACjCC,gCAAiC,wCACjCC,+BACI,0IACJC,gCAAiC,kCACjCC,gCACI,6NACJC,+BACI,6XACJC,8BAA+B,0BAC/BC,+BAAgC,iBAChCC,gCACI,iUAEJC,gCACI,6JACJC,+BACI,+LACJC,+BACI,8MACJC,+BACI,0WAEJC,+BACI,gLACJC,+BACI,+KACJC,+BAAgC,kBAChCC,gCACI,2KACJC,gCACI,4MACJC,gCACI,kOACJC,gCACI,qGACJC,8BAA+B,oBAC/BC,+BACI,2JACJC,8BAA+B,cAC/BC,+BACI,0LACJC,gCACI,uMACJC,gCACI,6KACJC,gCAAiC,kEACjCC,gCACI,mHACJC,8BAA+B,aAC/BC,+BACI,gTAEJC,+BACI,s7BAIJC,+BACI,sLACJC,+BACI,sMACJC,+BACI,+SAEJC,8BAA+B,4BAC/BC,+BAAgC,4EAChCC,gCACI,6GACJC,gCACI,kMACJC,gCACI,uHACJC,+BACI,2KACJC,+BACI,0FACJC,8BAA+B,eAC/BC,+BACI,qwBAIJC,+BACI,uSAEJC,8BAA+B,wBAC/BC,+BACI,ogBAGJC,+BACI,4gCAKJC,+BAAgC,2BAChCC,gCACI,6SACJC,gCACI,oJACJC,iCAAkC,gBAClCC,iCACI,meAEJC,gCACI,mUAEJC,+BAAgC,sBAChCC,gCACI,+KACJC,iCAAkC,wBAClCC,iCACI,4WAEJC,gCACI,maAEJC,gCACI,iPACJC,gCACI,qHACJC,+BAAgC,kBAChCC,gCACI,6IACJC,gCAAiC,qDACjCC,iCACI,uHACJC,iCACI,sOACJC,+BAAgC,eAChCC,+BAAgC,+BAChCC,gCACI,oUAEJC,gCACI,0cAEJC,+BAAgC,kDAChCC,gCACI,mnBACJC,SAAU,2BACVC,UACI","sources":["webpack://marketing/./node_modules/@material-ui/core/esm/Grid/Grid.js","webpack://marketing/./node_modules/@material-ui/core/esm/Link/Link.js","webpack://marketing/./node_modules/@material-ui/core/esm/Typography/Typography.js","webpack://marketing/./src/utils/strings.js"],"sourcesContent":["import _objectWithoutProperties from \"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutProperties\";\nimport _extends from \"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends\"; // A grid component using the following libs as inspiration.\n//\n// For the implementation:\n// - https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3/layout/grid/\n// - https://github.com/kristoferjoseph/flexboxgrid/blob/master/src/css/flexboxgrid.css\n// - https://github.com/roylee0704/react-flexbox-grid\n// - https://material.angularjs.org/latest/layout/introduction\n//\n// Follow this flexbox Guide to better understand the underlying model:\n// - https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/\n\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport clsx from 'clsx';\nimport withStyles from '../styles/withStyles';\nimport requirePropFactory from '../utils/requirePropFactory';\nimport deprecatedPropType from '../utils/deprecatedPropType';\nvar SPACINGS = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];\nvar GRID_SIZES = ['auto', true, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12];\n\nfunction generateGrid(globalStyles, theme, breakpoint) {\n var styles = {};\n GRID_SIZES.forEach(function (size) {\n var key = \"grid-\".concat(breakpoint, \"-\").concat(size);\n\n if (size === true) {\n // For the auto layouting\n styles[key] = {\n flexBasis: 0,\n flexGrow: 1,\n maxWidth: '100%'\n };\n return;\n }\n\n if (size === 'auto') {\n styles[key] = {\n flexBasis: 'auto',\n flexGrow: 0,\n maxWidth: 'none'\n };\n return;\n } // Keep 7 significant numbers.\n\n\n var width = \"\".concat(Math.round(size / 12 * 10e7) / 10e5, \"%\"); // Close to the bootstrap implementation:\n // https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/8fccaa2439e97ec72a4b7dc42ccc1f649790adb0/scss/mixins/_grid.scss#L41\n\n styles[key] = {\n flexBasis: width,\n flexGrow: 0,\n maxWidth: width\n };\n }); // No need for a media query for the first size.\n\n if (breakpoint === 'xs') {\n _extends(globalStyles, styles);\n } else {\n globalStyles[theme.breakpoints.up(breakpoint)] = styles;\n }\n}\n\nfunction getOffset(val) {\n var div = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1;\n var parse = parseFloat(val);\n return \"\".concat(parse / div).concat(String(val).replace(String(parse), '') || 'px');\n}\n\nfunction generateGutter(theme, breakpoint) {\n var styles = {};\n SPACINGS.forEach(function (spacing) {\n var themeSpacing = theme.spacing(spacing);\n\n if (themeSpacing === 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n styles[\"spacing-\".concat(breakpoint, \"-\").concat(spacing)] = {\n margin: \"-\".concat(getOffset(themeSpacing, 2)),\n width: \"calc(100% + \".concat(getOffset(themeSpacing), \")\"),\n '& > $item': {\n padding: getOffset(themeSpacing, 2)\n }\n };\n });\n return styles;\n} // Default CSS values\n// flex: '0 1 auto',\n// flexDirection: 'row',\n// alignItems: 'flex-start',\n// flexWrap: 'nowrap',\n// justifyContent: 'flex-start',\n\n\nexport var styles = function styles(theme) {\n return _extends({\n /* Styles applied to the root element. */\n root: {},\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `container={true}`. */\n container: {\n boxSizing: 'border-box',\n display: 'flex',\n flexWrap: 'wrap',\n width: '100%'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `item={true}`. */\n item: {\n boxSizing: 'border-box',\n margin: '0' // For instance, it's useful when used with a `figure` element.\n\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `zeroMinWidth={true}`. */\n zeroMinWidth: {\n minWidth: 0\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `direction=\"column\"`. */\n 'direction-xs-column': {\n flexDirection: 'column'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `direction=\"column-reverse\"`. */\n 'direction-xs-column-reverse': {\n flexDirection: 'column-reverse'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `direction=\"row-reverse\"`. */\n 'direction-xs-row-reverse': {\n flexDirection: 'row-reverse'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `wrap=\"nowrap\"`. */\n 'wrap-xs-nowrap': {\n flexWrap: 'nowrap'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `wrap=\"reverse\"`. */\n 'wrap-xs-wrap-reverse': {\n flexWrap: 'wrap-reverse'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignItems=\"center\"`. */\n 'align-items-xs-center': {\n alignItems: 'center'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignItems=\"flex-start\"`. */\n 'align-items-xs-flex-start': {\n alignItems: 'flex-start'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignItems=\"flex-end\"`. */\n 'align-items-xs-flex-end': {\n alignItems: 'flex-end'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignItems=\"baseline\"`. */\n 'align-items-xs-baseline': {\n alignItems: 'baseline'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignContent=\"center\"`. */\n 'align-content-xs-center': {\n alignContent: 'center'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignContent=\"flex-start\"`. */\n 'align-content-xs-flex-start': {\n alignContent: 'flex-start'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignContent=\"flex-end\"`. */\n 'align-content-xs-flex-end': {\n alignContent: 'flex-end'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignContent=\"space-between\"`. */\n 'align-content-xs-space-between': {\n alignContent: 'space-between'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignContent=\"space-around\"`. */\n 'align-content-xs-space-around': {\n alignContent: 'space-around'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `justifyContent=\"center\"`. */\n 'justify-content-xs-center': {\n justifyContent: 'center'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `justifyContent=\"flex-end\"`. */\n 'justify-content-xs-flex-end': {\n justifyContent: 'flex-end'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `justifyContent=\"space-between\"`. */\n 'justify-content-xs-space-between': {\n justifyContent: 'space-between'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `justifyContent=\"space-around\"`. */\n 'justify-content-xs-space-around': {\n justifyContent: 'space-around'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `justifyContent=\"space-evenly\"`. */\n 'justify-content-xs-space-evenly': {\n justifyContent: 'space-evenly'\n }\n }, generateGutter(theme, 'xs'), theme.breakpoints.keys.reduce(function (accumulator, key) {\n // Use side effect over immutability for better performance.\n generateGrid(accumulator, theme, key);\n return accumulator;\n }, {}));\n};\nvar Grid = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Grid(props, ref) {\n var _props$alignContent = props.alignContent,\n alignContent = _props$alignContent === void 0 ? 'stretch' : _props$alignContent,\n _props$alignItems = props.alignItems,\n alignItems = _props$alignItems === void 0 ? 'stretch' : _props$alignItems,\n classes = props.classes,\n classNameProp = props.className,\n _props$component = props.component,\n Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'div' : _props$component,\n _props$container = props.container,\n container = _props$container === void 0 ? false : _props$container,\n _props$direction = props.direction,\n direction = _props$direction === void 0 ? 'row' : _props$direction,\n _props$item = props.item,\n item = _props$item === void 0 ? false : _props$item,\n justify = props.justify,\n _props$justifyContent = props.justifyContent,\n justifyContent = _props$justifyContent === void 0 ? 'flex-start' : _props$justifyContent,\n _props$lg = props.lg,\n lg = _props$lg === void 0 ? false : _props$lg,\n _props$md = props.md,\n md = _props$md === void 0 ? false : _props$md,\n _props$sm = props.sm,\n sm = _props$sm === void 0 ? false : _props$sm,\n _props$spacing = props.spacing,\n spacing = _props$spacing === void 0 ? 0 : _props$spacing,\n _props$wrap = props.wrap,\n wrap = _props$wrap === void 0 ? 'wrap' : _props$wrap,\n _props$xl = props.xl,\n xl = _props$xl === void 0 ? false : _props$xl,\n _props$xs = props.xs,\n xs = _props$xs === void 0 ? false : _props$xs,\n _props$zeroMinWidth = props.zeroMinWidth,\n zeroMinWidth = _props$zeroMinWidth === void 0 ? false : _props$zeroMinWidth,\n other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, [\"alignContent\", \"alignItems\", \"classes\", \"className\", \"component\", \"container\", \"direction\", \"item\", \"justify\", \"justifyContent\", \"lg\", \"md\", \"sm\", \"spacing\", \"wrap\", \"xl\", \"xs\", \"zeroMinWidth\"]);\n\n var className = clsx(classes.root, classNameProp, container && [classes.container, spacing !== 0 && classes[\"spacing-xs-\".concat(String(spacing))]], item && classes.item, zeroMinWidth && classes.zeroMinWidth, direction !== 'row' && classes[\"direction-xs-\".concat(String(direction))], wrap !== 'wrap' && classes[\"wrap-xs-\".concat(String(wrap))], alignItems !== 'stretch' && classes[\"align-items-xs-\".concat(String(alignItems))], alignContent !== 'stretch' && classes[\"align-content-xs-\".concat(String(alignContent))], (justify || justifyContent) !== 'flex-start' && classes[\"justify-content-xs-\".concat(String(justify || justifyContent))], xs !== false && classes[\"grid-xs-\".concat(String(xs))], sm !== false && classes[\"grid-sm-\".concat(String(sm))], md !== false && classes[\"grid-md-\".concat(String(md))], lg !== false && classes[\"grid-lg-\".concat(String(lg))], xl !== false && classes[\"grid-xl-\".concat(String(xl))]);\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({\n className: className,\n ref: ref\n }, other));\n});\nprocess.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? void 0 : void 0;\nvar StyledGrid = withStyles(styles, {\n name: 'MuiGrid'\n})(Grid);\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var requireProp = requirePropFactory('Grid');\n StyledGrid.propTypes = _extends({}, StyledGrid.propTypes, {\n alignContent: requireProp('container'),\n alignItems: requireProp('container'),\n direction: requireProp('container'),\n justifyContent: requireProp('container'),\n lg: requireProp('item'),\n md: requireProp('item'),\n sm: requireProp('item'),\n spacing: requireProp('container'),\n wrap: requireProp('container'),\n xs: requireProp('item'),\n zeroMinWidth: requireProp('item')\n });\n}\n\nexport default StyledGrid;","import _extends from \"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends\";\nimport _objectWithoutProperties from \"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutProperties\";\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport clsx from 'clsx';\nimport capitalize from '../utils/capitalize';\nimport withStyles from '../styles/withStyles';\nimport { elementTypeAcceptingRef } from '@material-ui/utils';\nimport useIsFocusVisible from '../utils/useIsFocusVisible';\nimport useForkRef from '../utils/useForkRef';\nimport Typography from '../Typography';\nexport var styles = {\n /* Styles applied to the root element. */\n root: {},\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `underline=\"none\"`. */\n underlineNone: {\n textDecoration: 'none'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `underline=\"hover\"`. */\n underlineHover: {\n textDecoration: 'none',\n '&:hover': {\n textDecoration: 'underline'\n }\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `underline=\"always\"`. */\n underlineAlways: {\n textDecoration: 'underline'\n },\n // Same reset as ButtonBase.root\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `component=\"button\"`. */\n button: {\n position: 'relative',\n WebkitTapHighlightColor: 'transparent',\n backgroundColor: 'transparent',\n // Reset default value\n // We disable the focus ring for mouse, touch and keyboard users.\n outline: 0,\n border: 0,\n margin: 0,\n // Remove the margin in Safari\n borderRadius: 0,\n padding: 0,\n // Remove the padding in Firefox\n cursor: 'pointer',\n userSelect: 'none',\n verticalAlign: 'middle',\n '-moz-appearance': 'none',\n // Reset\n '-webkit-appearance': 'none',\n // Reset\n '&::-moz-focus-inner': {\n borderStyle: 'none' // Remove Firefox dotted outline.\n\n },\n '&$focusVisible': {\n outline: 'auto'\n }\n },\n\n /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if the link is keyboard focused. */\n focusVisible: {}\n};\nvar Link = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Link(props, ref) {\n var classes = props.classes,\n className = props.className,\n _props$color = props.color,\n color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'primary' : _props$color,\n _props$component = props.component,\n component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'a' : _props$component,\n onBlur = props.onBlur,\n onFocus = props.onFocus,\n TypographyClasses = props.TypographyClasses,\n _props$underline = props.underline,\n underline = _props$underline === void 0 ? 'hover' : _props$underline,\n _props$variant = props.variant,\n variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'inherit' : _props$variant,\n other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, [\"classes\", \"className\", \"color\", \"component\", \"onBlur\", \"onFocus\", \"TypographyClasses\", \"underline\", \"variant\"]);\n\n var _useIsFocusVisible = useIsFocusVisible(),\n isFocusVisible = _useIsFocusVisible.isFocusVisible,\n onBlurVisible = _useIsFocusVisible.onBlurVisible,\n focusVisibleRef = _useIsFocusVisible.ref;\n\n var _React$useState = React.useState(false),\n focusVisible = _React$useState[0],\n setFocusVisible = _React$useState[1];\n\n var handlerRef = useForkRef(ref, focusVisibleRef);\n\n var handleBlur = function handleBlur(event) {\n if (focusVisible) {\n onBlurVisible();\n setFocusVisible(false);\n }\n\n if (onBlur) {\n onBlur(event);\n }\n };\n\n var handleFocus = function handleFocus(event) {\n if (isFocusVisible(event)) {\n setFocusVisible(true);\n }\n\n if (onFocus) {\n onFocus(event);\n }\n };\n\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Typography, _extends({\n className: clsx(classes.root, classes[\"underline\".concat(capitalize(underline))], className, focusVisible && classes.focusVisible, component === 'button' && classes.button),\n classes: TypographyClasses,\n color: color,\n component: component,\n onBlur: handleBlur,\n onFocus: handleFocus,\n ref: handlerRef,\n variant: variant\n }, other));\n});\nprocess.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? void 0 : void 0;\nexport default withStyles(styles, {\n name: 'MuiLink'\n})(Link);","import _extends from \"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends\";\nimport _objectWithoutProperties from \"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutProperties\";\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport clsx from 'clsx';\nimport withStyles from '../styles/withStyles';\nimport capitalize from '../utils/capitalize';\nexport var styles = function styles(theme) {\n return {\n /* Styles applied to the root element. */\n root: {\n margin: 0\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant=\"body2\"`. */\n body2: theme.typography.body2,\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant=\"body1\"`. */\n body1: theme.typography.body1,\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant=\"caption\"`. */\n caption: theme.typography.caption,\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant=\"button\"`. */\n button: theme.typography.button,\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant=\"h1\"`. */\n h1: theme.typography.h1,\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant=\"h2\"`. */\n h2: theme.typography.h2,\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant=\"h3\"`. */\n h3: theme.typography.h3,\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant=\"h4\"`. */\n h4: theme.typography.h4,\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant=\"h5\"`. */\n h5: theme.typography.h5,\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant=\"h6\"`. */\n h6: theme.typography.h6,\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant=\"subtitle1\"`. */\n subtitle1: theme.typography.subtitle1,\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant=\"subtitle2\"`. */\n subtitle2: theme.typography.subtitle2,\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant=\"overline\"`. */\n overline: theme.typography.overline,\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant=\"srOnly\"`. Only accessible to screen readers. */\n srOnly: {\n position: 'absolute',\n height: 1,\n width: 1,\n overflow: 'hidden'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `align=\"left\"`. */\n alignLeft: {\n textAlign: 'left'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `align=\"center\"`. */\n alignCenter: {\n textAlign: 'center'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `align=\"right\"`. */\n alignRight: {\n textAlign: 'right'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `align=\"justify\"`. */\n alignJustify: {\n textAlign: 'justify'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `nowrap={true}`. */\n noWrap: {\n overflow: 'hidden',\n textOverflow: 'ellipsis',\n whiteSpace: 'nowrap'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `gutterBottom={true}`. */\n gutterBottom: {\n marginBottom: '0.35em'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `paragraph={true}`. */\n paragraph: {\n marginBottom: 16\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `color=\"inherit\"`. */\n colorInherit: {\n color: 'inherit'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `color=\"primary\"`. */\n colorPrimary: {\n color: theme.palette.primary.main\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `color=\"secondary\"`. */\n colorSecondary: {\n color: theme.palette.secondary.main\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `color=\"textPrimary\"`. */\n colorTextPrimary: {\n color: theme.palette.text.primary\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `color=\"textSecondary\"`. */\n colorTextSecondary: {\n color: theme.palette.text.secondary\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `color=\"error\"`. */\n colorError: {\n color: theme.palette.error.main\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `display=\"inline\"`. */\n displayInline: {\n display: 'inline'\n },\n\n /* Styles applied to the root element if `display=\"block\"`. */\n displayBlock: {\n display: 'block'\n }\n };\n};\nvar defaultVariantMapping = {\n h1: 'h1',\n h2: 'h2',\n h3: 'h3',\n h4: 'h4',\n h5: 'h5',\n h6: 'h6',\n subtitle1: 'h6',\n subtitle2: 'h6',\n body1: 'p',\n body2: 'p'\n};\nvar Typography = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Typography(props, ref) {\n var _props$align = props.align,\n align = _props$align === void 0 ? 'inherit' : _props$align,\n classes = props.classes,\n className = props.className,\n _props$color = props.color,\n color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'initial' : _props$color,\n component = props.component,\n _props$display = props.display,\n display = _props$display === void 0 ? 'initial' : _props$display,\n _props$gutterBottom = props.gutterBottom,\n gutterBottom = _props$gutterBottom === void 0 ? false : _props$gutterBottom,\n _props$noWrap = props.noWrap,\n noWrap = _props$noWrap === void 0 ? false : _props$noWrap,\n _props$paragraph = props.paragraph,\n paragraph = _props$paragraph === void 0 ? false : _props$paragraph,\n _props$variant = props.variant,\n variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'body1' : _props$variant,\n _props$variantMapping = props.variantMapping,\n variantMapping = _props$variantMapping === void 0 ? defaultVariantMapping : _props$variantMapping,\n other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, [\"align\", \"classes\", \"className\", \"color\", \"component\", \"display\", \"gutterBottom\", \"noWrap\", \"paragraph\", \"variant\", \"variantMapping\"]);\n\n var Component = component || (paragraph ? 'p' : variantMapping[variant] || defaultVariantMapping[variant]) || 'span';\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({\n className: clsx(classes.root, className, variant !== 'inherit' && classes[variant], color !== 'initial' && classes[\"color\".concat(capitalize(color))], noWrap && classes.noWrap, gutterBottom && classes.gutterBottom, paragraph && classes.paragraph, align !== 'inherit' && classes[\"align\".concat(capitalize(align))], display !== 'initial' && classes[\"display\".concat(capitalize(display))]),\n ref: ref\n }, other));\n});\nprocess.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? void 0 : void 0;\nexport default withStyles(styles, {\n name: 'MuiTypography'\n})(Typography);","export const strings = {\r\n //Privacy Policy\r\n nuliaCookiesAndPrivacyPolicyPageTitle: \"Nulia Privacy and Cookies Policy\",\r\n nuliaCookiesAndPrivacyPolicy: \"Nulia Privacy and Cookies Policy (Last Revised on Feb 5th 2020)\",\r\n informationWeGatherFromYou: \"1. Information we gather from you\",\r\n informationWeGatherFromYou1:\r\n \"1.1 We fully respect your right to privacy in relation to your interactions with the Service and endeavour to be transparent in our dealings with you as to what information we will collect and how we will use your information. Also, we only collect\" +\r\n \" and use individuals’ information where we are legally entitled to do so. Information in relation to Personal Data collected by Irish entities is available on \",\r\n informationWeGatherFromYou1a: \"www.dataprotection.ie\",\r\n informationWeGatherFromYou1b: \", the website of the Irish Data Protection Commissioner (“\",\r\n informationWeGatherFromYou1c: \"DPC\",\r\n informationWeGatherFromYou1d: \"”).\",\r\n informationWeGatherFromYou2:\r\n \" 1.2 We may process Personal Data from you in the course of our business. The information that we process includes, in respect of individual end-users: (i) basic information, such as your name (including name prefix or title), your job title or \" +\r\n \"position and your relationship to a person; (ii) contact information, such as your postal address, email address and phone number(s); (iii) financial information, such as payment-related information; (iv) technical and browser related information, such as\" +\r\n \" information from your visits to our Platform or applications or in relation to materials and communications we send to you electronically; (v) identification, location and background information provided by you; (vi) profile picture; (vii) your \" +\r\n \"Microsoft unique identifier, the number of years you have had a Microsoft licence, your direct report and the number of direct reports you have (this data may be collected directly from Microsoft); and (viii) any other information relating to you \" +\r\n \"which you may provide to us. Any Personal Data that we collect from you for these purposes is hereinafter referred to together as “\",\r\n informationWeGatherFromYou2a: \"Your Data\",\r\n informationWeGatherFromYou2b:\r\n \"”). Nulia is a Controller (as defined in Data Protection Legislation) in respect of the Your Data.\",\r\n informationWeGatherFromYou3:\r\n \"1.3 Your Data is separate from and should be distinguished from User Uploaded Data. “\",\r\n informationWeGatherFromYou3a: \"User Uploaded Data\",\r\n informationWeGatherFromYou3b:\r\n \"” is Personal Data uploaded by Customers or their end-users (or any of their employees, contractors etc.) or others through your Account/your use of the Service (if any), which may include any information, data or materials provided or utilized by you \" +\r\n \"or others in connection with the use of the Service. Nulia is a Processor (as defined in Data Protection Legislation) or sub-Processor, you are the Data Subject (as defined in Data Protection Legislation) and our Customer is the Processor (where we \" +\r\n \"are the sub-Processor) or Controller (where we are the Processor) in respect of User Uploaded Data. This Privacy Policy deals with our processing of Your Data in our capacity as Controller or Your Data (not our processing of User Uploaded Data on behalf\" +\r\n \" of our Customers in our capacity as Processor or sub-Processor of User Uploaded Data). The data Processing Terms contained in the Nulia SaaS Licence Agreement with our Customers set out details of our Processor/sub-Processor obligations in respect of User Uploaded Data.\",\r\n informationWeGatherFromYou4:\r\n \"1.4 When you are acting on behalf of a Customer, the Customer and its end-users must comply with their own Controller/Processor (as applicable) obligations under Data Protection Legislation. When our Customer is also a Controller of Your Data, we and\" +\r\n \" that Customer act as independent (and not joint Controllers) in respect of Your Data.\",\r\n informationWeGatherFromYou5:\r\n \"1.5 We endeavour to keep Your Data accurate and up-to-date. As such, you must tell us about any changes to such information that you are aware of as soon as possible. You can update your personal information held on our Platform at any time. You can \" +\r\n \"change your stated interests in respect of whether or not you wish to receive direct marketing from us by clicking ‘unsubscribe’ on any direct marketing electronic communication which you receive from us.\",\r\n informationWeGatherFromYou6:\r\n \"1.6 If you are aged 18 or under, please get your parent/guardian’s permission before you provide Your Data to us.\",\r\n\r\n whyWeCollectHaveAccessToYourInformation: \"2. Why we collect/have access to your information \",\r\n whyWeCollectHaveAccessToYourInformation1:\r\n \"2.1 We collect information from you as necessary in the course of providing our Service. We collect Your Data in the course of registering Your Account. We may collect Your Data while monitoring our technology tools and services, including our Platform\" +\r\n \" and email communications sent to and from us. We gather information about you when you provide it to us, or interact with us directly.\",\r\n whyWeCollectHaveAccessToYourInformation2:\r\n \"2.2 We use that information: (i) to provide and improve our Platform/Service, including auditing and monitoring its use; (ii) to provide information requested by you; (iii) to send you updates, publications, personalised content and advertising in \" +\r\n \"respect of our products/services (this includes potentially using data in an aggregated and de-identified form for general marketing and sales collateral, including white papers, research reports, blog posts etc.); and (iv) to manage and administer our \" +\r\n \"relationship with you.\",\r\n whyWeCollectHaveAccessToYourInformation3:\r\n \"2.3 Where we wish to use Your Data in any other way, we will ensure that we notify you and get your consent first. You will be given the opportunity to withhold or withdraw your consent for the use of Your Data for purposes other than those listed in \" +\r\n \"this Privacy Policy.\",\r\n\r\n cookiesAndIPAddresses: \"3. Cookies and IP addresses\",\r\n cookiesAndIPAddresses1:\r\n \"3.1 We collect IP addresses from visitors to our Platform (an IP address is a number that can uniquely identify a specific computer or other network device on the internet). This allows us to identify the location of users, to block disruptive use and \" +\r\n \"to establish the number of visits from different countries. We analyse this data for trend and statistics reasons, such as which parts of our Platform users are visiting and how long they spend there.\",\r\n cookiesAndIPAddresses2:\r\n \"3.2 A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your device by a web server which enables a website and/or mobile app to recognise repeat users, facilitate the user’s ongoing access to and use of a website and/or mobile app and allows the website \" +\r\n \"and/or mobile app to track usage behaviour and compile aggregate data that will allow content improvements and targeted advertising. We collate information on in relation to the Service which is represented in aggregate format through cookies. They help \" +\r\n \"us to improve our Service and to deliver many of the functions that make your browser experience more user-friendly, including providing you with personalised content and relevant advertising in respect of our goods/services.\",\r\n cookiesAndIPAddresses3:\r\n \"3.3 By using the Service and accepting the terms of this Privacy Policy you acknowledge our legitimate interest to use cookies as described in this Privacy Policy (i.e. you are agreeing to the placement of cookies on your device unless you specifically\" +\r\n \" choose not to receive cookies). You will be reminded of the use of cookies on our Platform by way of a ‘pop-up’ or similar function from time to time.\",\r\n cookiesAndIPAddresses4:\r\n \"3.4 The ‘Help Menu’ on the menu bar of most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie and how to disable cookies altogether. You can also disable or \" +\r\n \"delete similar data used by browser add-ons, such as flash cookies (HML5 local storage), by changing the add-on’s settings or visiting the website of its manufacturer.\",\r\n cookiesAndIPAddresses5:\r\n \"3.5 For more information about cookies and managing them including how to turn them off, please visit www.cookiecentral.com. However, because cookies allow you to take advantage of some of our Platform’s essential features, we recommend you leave them \" +\r\n \"turned on as otherwise you may not be able to fully experience the interactive features of our Platform or other related websites which you visit.\",\r\n cookiesAndIPAddresses6:\r\n \"3.6 We may use third parties such as Google Analytics to collect user information, including through the use of cookies (flash and non-flash) and web beacons. They help us to improve our Platform and to deliver many of the functions that make your \" +\r\n \"browser experience more user friendly.\",\r\n cookiesAndIPAddresses7:\r\n \"3.7 You can find a list of cookies we use and the purposes for which we use them in the tables below.\",\r\n cookiesAndIPAddressesTableNote: \"* – These cookies will expire when you close your browser\",\r\n cookiesAndIPAddresses8:\r\n \"3.8 You should also be aware that there are cookies which are found in other companies’ internet tools which we may use to enhance the Platform. You may see ‘social buttons’ during your use of the Platform, including but not limited to LinkedIn, Twitter\" +\r\n \" and Facebook, which enable you to share or bookmark certain web pages. These Platforms have their own cookies, which are controlled by them.\",\r\n areThereCasesWhereWeMayUse: \"4. Are there cases where we may use your information to contact you\",\r\n areThereCasesWhereWeMayUse1: \"4.1 We may contact you:\",\r\n areThereCasesWhereWeMayUse1a:\r\n \"4.1.1 for administration reasons related to the Service (e.g. to provide you with password reminders or to notify you that a particular service, activity or online content has been suspended for maintenance, or in response to a question that you ask us);\",\r\n areThereCasesWhereWeMayUse1b:\r\n \"4.1.2 to provide you with information about our Service, activities or online content, including sending e-newsletters or similar correspondence and updates or responding to any contact you have made with us, e.g. on our Platform, by email or via the \" +\r\n \"‘How To Contact Us’ facility referred to below; and/or\",\r\n areThereCasesWhereWeMayUse1c:\r\n \"4.1.3 to invite you to participate in surveys about our services (participation is always voluntary).\",\r\n\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave: \"5. What rights do you have\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave1:\r\n \"5.1 As a Data Subject, you have the following rights under Data Protection Legislation and we, as Controller in respect of Your Data, will comply with such rights in respect of Your Data:\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave1a: \"5.1.1 the right of access to Your Data relating to you;\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave1b: \"5.1.2 the right to correct any mistakes in Your Data;\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave1c: \"5.1.3 the right to ask us to stop contacting you with direct marketing;\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave1d: \"5.1.4 rights in relation to automated decision taking;\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave1e: \"5.1.5 the right to restrict or prevent Your Data being processed;\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave1f: \"5.1.6 the right to have Your Data ported to another Controller;\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave1g: \"5.1.7 the right to erasure; and\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave1h:\r\n \"5.1.8 the right to complain to the DPC if you believe we have not handled Your Data in accordance with Data Protection Legislation.\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave2:\r\n \"5.2 These rights are explained in more detail below, but if you have any comments, concerns or complaints about our use of Your Data, please contact us (see ‘How To Contact Us’ below). We will respond to any rights that you exercise within a month of \" +\r\n \"receiving your request, unless the request is particularly complex or cumbersome, in which case we will respond within three months (we will inform you within the first month if it will take longer than one month for us to respond). Where a response is \" +\r\n \"required from us within a particular time period pursuant to Data Protection Legislation, we will respond within that time period.\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave3Num: \"5.3 \",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave3Text: \"Right of access to Your Data\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave3Header: \"You may ask to see what Personal Data we hold about you and be provided with:\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave3a:\r\n \"5.3.1 a summary of such Personal Data and the categories of Personal Data held (see Sections 1 and 2 above);\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave3b:\r\n \"5.3.2 details of the purpose for which it is being or is to be processed (see Section 2 above);\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave3c:\r\n \"5.3.3 details of the recipients or classes of recipients to whom it is or may be disclosed, including if they are overseas and what protections are used for those oversea transfers (see Section 7 below);\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave3d:\r\n \"5.3.4 details of the period for which it is held or the criteria we use to determine how long it is held (see Section 12 below);\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave3e:\r\n \"5.3.5 details of your rights, including the rights to rectification, erasure, restriction or objection to the processing (set out in this Section 5);\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave3f: \"5.3.6 any information available about the source of that data (see Section 1 above);\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave3g:\r\n \"5.3.7 whether we carry out automated decision-making, or profiling, and where we do, information about the logic involved and the envisaged outcome or consequences of that decision making or profiling; and\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave3h:\r\n \"5.3.8 where Your Data are transferred out of the EEA, what safeguards are in place (see Section 7 below).\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave3i:\r\n \"5.3.9 Requests for Your Data must be made to us (see ‘How To Contact Us’ below) specifying what Personal Data you need access to, and a copy of such request may be kept by us for our legitimate purposes in managing the Service and our Platform. To help \" +\r\n \"us find the information easily, please give us as much information as possible about the type of information you would like to see. If, to comply with your request, we would have to disclose information relating to or identifying another person, we \" +\r\n \"may need to obtain the consent of that person, if possible. If we cannot obtain consent, we may need to withhold that information or edit the data to remove the identity of that person, if possible.\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave3j:\r\n \"5.3.10 There are certain types of data which we are not obliged to disclose to you, which include Personal Data which records our intentions in relation to any negotiations with you where disclosure would be likely to prejudice those negotiations. We \" +\r\n \"are also entitled to refuse a data access request from you where (i) such request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, in particular because of its repetitive character (in this case, if we decide to provide you with the Personal Data requested, we \" +\r\n \"may charge you a reasonable fee to account for administrative costs of doing so), or (ii) we are entitled to do so pursuant to Data Protection Legislation.\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave4: \"Right to update Your Data or correct any mistakes in Your Data\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave4Num: \"5.4 \",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave4a:\r\n \"5.4.1 You can require us to correct any mistakes in Your Data which we hold free of charge. If you would like to do this, please:\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave4aa: \"(a) email or write to us (see ‘How to Contact Us’ below);\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave4ab: \"(b) let us have enough information to identify you (e.g. name, registration details); and\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave4ac: \"(c) let us know the information that is incorrect and what it should be replaced with.\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave4b:\r\n \"5.4.2 If we are required to update Your Data, we will inform recipients to whom Your Data have been disclosed (if any), unless this proves impossible or has a disproportionate effort.\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave4c:\r\n \"5.4.3 It is your responsibility that all of Your Data provided to us is accurate and complete. If any information you have given us changes, please let us know as soon as possible (see ‘How To Contact Us’ below).\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave5Num: \"5.5 \",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave5Text: \"Right to ask us to stop contacting you with direct marketing\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave5a:\r\n \"5.5.1 We have a legitimate interest to send you electronic communications/direct marketing in connection with the Service and related matters (which may include but shall not be limited to newsletters, announcement of new features etc. and which may \" +\r\n \"also appear on social media such as Facebook etc.). We may also ask you for your consent to send you direct marketing from time to time. We may also ask you different questions for different services, including competitions, and ask you to complete \" +\r\n \"surveys that we use for research purposes, although you do not have to respond to them.\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave5b:\r\n \"5.5.2 You can ask us to stop contacting you for direct marketing purposes. If you would like to do this, please:\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave5ba:\r\n \"(a) email or write to us (see ‘How can you contact us’ below). You can also click on the ‘unsubscribe’ button at the bottom of the electronic communication. It may take up to 15 days for this to take place, or adjust your settings on the Platform to \" +\r\n \"elect to not receive direct marketing messages in future; and\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave5bb:\r\n \"(b) let us know what method of contact you are not happy with if you are unhappy with certain ways of contacting you only (for example, you may be happy for us to contact you by email but not by telephone).\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave5c:\r\n \"5.5.3 We will provide you with information on action taken on a request to stop direct marketing – this may be in the form of a response email confirming that you have ‘unsubscribed’. Unsubscribing from direct marketing does not unsubscribe you from \" +\r\n \"essential electronic communications in respect of the administration of Your Account.\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave6Num: \"5.6 \",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave6Text: \"Rights in relation to automated decision taking\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave6a:\r\n \"5.6.1 Profiling may occur in relation to Your Data for the purposes of targeted advertising and de-targeting you from specified advertising. This allows us to tailor our advertising to the appropriate customers and helps to minimise the risk of you \" +\r\n \"receiving unwanted advertising. Profiling may also occur in respect of: (i) deciding the general skills which end-users need to be proficient in before Nulia certifies competency for an outcome (the employer assigns the outcome and required level of \" +\r\n \"competency), and (ii) determining the best piece of content from a collection of content to facilitate learning of a skill.\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave6b:\r\n \"5.6.2 You may ask us to ensure that, if we are evaluating you, we don’t base any decisions solely on an automated process and have any decision reviewed by a member of staff. These rights will not apply in all circumstances, for example where the \" +\r\n \"decision is (i) authorised or required by law, (ii) necessary for the performance of a contract between you and us, or (ii) is based on your explicit consent. In all cases, we will endeavour that steps have been taken to safeguard your interests.\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave7Num: \"5.7 \",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave7Text: \"Right to restrict or prevent processing of Your Data\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave7a:\r\n \"5.7.1 In accordance with Data Processing Legislation, you may request that we stop processing Your Data temporarily if:\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave7aa:\r\n \"(a) you do not think that Your Data is accurate (but we will start processing again once we have checked and confirmed that it is accurate);\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave7ab: \"(b) the processing is unlawful but you do not want us to erase Your Data;\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave7ac: \"(c) we no longer need Your Data for our processing; or\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave7ad:\r\n \"(d) you have objected to processing because you believe that your interests should override the basis upon which we process Your Data.\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave7b:\r\n \"5.7.2 If you exercise your right to restrict us from processing Your Data, we will continue to process Your Data if:\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave7ba: \"(a) you consent to such processing;\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave7bb: \"(b) the processing is necessary for the exercise or defence of legal claims;\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave7bc:\r\n \"(c) the processing is necessary for the protection of the rights of other individuals or legal persons; or\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave7bd: \"(d) the processing is necessary for public interest reasons.\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave8Num: \"5.8 \",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave8Text: \"Right to data portability (if applicable)\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave8a:\r\n \"5.8.1 In accordance with Data Protection Legislation, you may ask for an electronic copy of Your Data that you have provided to us and which we hold electronically, or for us to provide this directly to another party. This right only applies to Personal\" +\r\n \" Data that you have provided to us – it does not extend to data generated by us. In addition, the right to data portability also only applies where:\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave8aa: \"(a) the processing is based on your consent or for the performance of a contract; and\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave8ab: \"(b) the processing is carried out by automated means.\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave9Num: \"5.9 \",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave9Text: \"Right to erasure\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave9a:\r\n \"5.9.1 In accordance with Data Protection Legislation, you can ask us (please see ‘How To Contact Us’ below) to erase Your Data where:\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave9aa:\r\n \"(a) you do not believe that we need Your Data in order to process it for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy;\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave9ab:\r\n \"(b) if you had given us consent to process Your Data, you withdraw that consent and we cannot otherwise legally process Your Data;\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave9ac:\r\n \"(c) you object to our processing and we do not have any legal basis for continuing to process Your Data;\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave9ad:\r\n \"(d) Your Data has been processed unlawfully or have not been erased when it should have been; or\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave9ae: \"(e) the Personal Data have to be erased to comply with law.\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave9b:\r\n \"5.9.2 We may continue to process Your Data in certain circumstances in accordance with Data Protection Legislation (i.e. where we have a legal justification to continue to hold such Personal Data, such as it being within our legitimate business interest\" +\r\n \" to do so (e.g. retaining evidence of billing information etc.). Where you have requested the erasure of Your Data, we will inform recipients to whom that Personal Data have been disclosed, unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate \" +\r\n \"effort. We will also inform you about those recipients if you request it.\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave10Num: \"5.10 \",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave10Text: \"Right to complain\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave10a:\r\n \"In compliance with the Privacy Shield Principles, Nulia commits to resolve complaints about our collection or use of your personal information.  European Union individuals with inquiries or complaints regarding our Privacy Shield policy should first\" +\r\n \" contact Nulia at: \",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave10b: \"privacy@nulia.com\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave10c: \"Nulia has further committed to refer unresolved Privacy Shield complaints to \",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave10d: \"JAMS\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave10e:\r\n \", an alternative dispute resolution provider located in the United States. If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your complaint from us, or if we have not resolved your complaint, please contact or visit \",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave10f:\r\n \" for more information or to file a complaint.  The services of JAMS are provided at no cost to you.\",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave10g:\r\n \"You have the possibility, under certain conditions, to invoke binding arbitration for complaints regarding Privacy Shield compliance not resolved by any of the other Privacy Shield mechanisms. See the Privacy Shield website for more information. \",\r\n whatRightsDoYouHave10h: \"https://www.privacyshield.gov/article?id=ANNEX-I-introduction\",\r\n withdrawalOfConsent: \"6. Withdrawal of consent\",\r\n withdrawalOfConsent1:\r\n \"If you no longer consent to our processing of Your Data (in respect of any matter referred to in this Privacy Policy as requiring your consent), you may request that we cease such processing by contacting us via the ‘How To Contact Us’ facility referred \" +\r\n \"to below. Please note that if you withdraw your consent to such processing, it may not be possible for us to provide all/part of the Service to you.\",\r\n whoWeShareYourInformationWith: \"7. Who we share your information with\",\r\n whoWeShareYourInformationWith1:\r\n \"7.1 Nulia will not share Your Data without your consent or unless required by law (except as set out in this Privacy Policy). If Nulia becomes involved in a merger, acquisition, or any form of sale of some of all of its assets, Your Data will not be \" +\r\n \"transferred to any third party unless there are adequate safeguards in place with the recipient in respect of the security of Your Data.\",\r\n whoWeShareYourInformationWith2:\r\n \"7.2 We restrict access to personal information to employees/contractors who need to know that information in order to operate, develop, or improve our Service and/or the Platform. These individuals are bound by confidentiality obligations and may be \" +\r\n \"subject to discipline, including termination, civil litigation and/or criminal prosecution, if they fail to meet these obligations. We may also share Your Data with our suppliers/service providers for the purpose of providing and improving the Service \" +\r\n \"to you; for example, we utilise (i) ‘SendGrid’ to send emails to end-users, (ii) ‘Sentry’ for error tracking and logging, and (iii) Azure cloud hosting and resources to store and process all end-user data.\",\r\n whoWeShareYourInformationWith2a:\r\n \" Nulia will not share your data with our suppliers/service providers unless we have a Data Protection Agreement in place ensuring adequate privacy protections for personal data. \",\r\n whoWeShareYourInformationWith3:\r\n \"7.3 Your Data may be transferred to, stored at, or accessed from a destination outside the European Economic Area (“\",\r\n whoWeShareYourInformationWith3a: \"EEA\",\r\n whoWeShareYourInformationWith3b:\r\n \"”) for the purposes of us providing the Service. It may also be processed by staff operating outside the EEA who work for us, another corporate entity within our group, or any of our suppliers. By submitting Your Data, you explicitly consent to this \" +\r\n \"transfer, storing or processing. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that Your Data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. The safeguards in place with regard to the transfer of Your Data outside of the EEA \" +\r\n \"to third parties are the entry by us into appropriate contracts with all transferees of such data. In the context of an onward transfer, Nulia has responsibility for the processing of personal information it receives under the Privacy Shield and \" +\r\n \"subsequently transfers to a third party acting as an agent on its behalf. Nulia shall remain liable under the Principles if its agent processes such personal information in a manner inconsistent with the Principles, except in cases where Nulia can \" +\r\n \"show the third party processed data in a manner outside the scope of our Data Protection Agreement.\",\r\n whoWeShareYourInformationWith4:\r\n \"7.4 All information you provide to us is stored on our (or contracted third party) secure servers. Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password which enables you to access any part of our Platform, you are responsible for keeping this \" +\r\n \"password confidential. We ask you not to share a password with any person.\",\r\n thirdPartyWebsites: \"8. Third party WEBSITES\",\r\n thirdPartyWebsites1:\r\n \"This Privacy Policy applies to the Platform and Service which are owned and operated by Nulia. We do not exercise control over the sites/applications that may be linked from our Platform. These other sites/applications may place their own cookies or \" +\r\n \"other files on your computer, collect data or solicit personal information from you. You acknowledge that the Service that we provide and our Platform may enable or assist you to access the website content of, correspond with, and purchase products and \" +\r\n \"services from, third parties via third-party websites and that you do so solely at your own risk. We make no representation or commitment and shall have no liability or obligation whatsoever in relation to the content or use of, or correspondence with, \" +\r\n \"any such third-party website, or any transactions completed, and any contract entered into by you, with any such third party and the use by any such third-party of your Personal Data. We do not endorse or approve any third-party website nor the content\" +\r\n \" of any of the third-party website made available via the Service or our Platform. We encourage you to carefully familiarize yourself with the terms of use and privacy policies applicable to any wesbites and/or services operated by third parties. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of any third parties.\",\r\n howDoWeProtectYourPersonalInformation: \"9. How do we protect your personal information?\",\r\n howDoWeProtectYourPersonalInformation1:\r\n \"9.1 We do our utmost to protect user privacy through the appropriate use of security technology. We restrict access to Your Data to employees, contractors and agents who need to know Your Data in order to operate, develop or improve the services that we \" +\r\n \"provide. We ensure that we have appropriate physical and technological security measures to protect your information; and we ensure that when we outsource any processes that the service provider has appropriate security measures in place. However, our \" +\r\n \"Platform may contain hyperlinks to websites owned and operated by third parties. These third party websites have their own privacy policies, including cookies. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the privacy or security practices of such \" +\r\n \"third party websites and your use of such websites is at your own risk.\",\r\n howDoWeProtectYourPersonalInformation2:\r\n \"9.2 We will implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risks that are presented by the processing of Your Data. In particular, we will consider the risks presented by accidental or \" +\r\n \"unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to Your Data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.\",\r\n\r\n breachReporting: \"10. Breach Reporting\",\r\n breachReporting1:\r\n \"10.1 We will notify serious data breaches in respect of Your Data to the DPC without undue delay, and where feasible, not later than 72 hours after having become aware of same. If notification is not made after 72 hours, we will record a reasoned \" +\r\n \"justification for the delay; however, it is not necessary to notify the DPC where the Personal Data breach is unlikely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. A Personal Data breach in this\" +\r\n \" context means a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, Personal Data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.\",\r\n breachReporting2:\r\n \"10.2 We will keep a record of any data breaches, including their effects and the remedial action taken, and will notify you of any data breach affecting your Personal Data (which poses a high risk to you) when we are required to do so under Data \" +\r\n \"Protection Legislation. We will not be required to notify you of a data breach where:\",\r\n breachReporting2a:\r\n \"10.2.1 we have implemented appropriate technical and organisational measures that render the Personal Data unintelligible to anyone not authorised to access it, such as encryption; or\",\r\n breachReporting2b:\r\n \"10.2.2 we have taken subsequent measures which ensure that the high risk to data subjects is not likely to materialise; or\",\r\n breachReporting2c:\r\n \"10.2.3 it would involve disproportionate effort, in which case we may make a public communication instead.\",\r\n\r\n retentionOfPersonalData: \"11. Retention of personal data\",\r\n retentionOfPersonalData1:\r\n \"11.1 Your Data will be kept and stored for such period of time as we deem necessary taking into account the purpose for which it was collected in the first instance. This may include retaining Your Data as necessary to administer Your Account, comply \" +\r\n \"with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes, to enforce our agreements with our Customers (including for the 6 year limitation period in Ireland for contractual claims, plus a reasonable period thereafter), to \" +\r\n \"support business operations, and to continue to develop and improve our Service.\",\r\n retentionOfPersonalData2:\r\n \"11.2 Where we retain information for Service/Platform improvement and development, we take steps to eliminate information that directly identifies you, and we only use the information to uncover collective insights about the use of our Service/Platform,\" +\r\n \" not to specifically analyse personal characteristics about you.\",\r\n offensiveContent: \"12. Offensive content\",\r\n offensiveContent1:\r\n \"12.1 If any of your User Uploaded Data contains any material which may reasonably be deemed to be offensive, inappropriate or objectionable or if you otherwise engage in any disruptive behaviour in relation to the Service, we may remove such content\" +\r\n \" and/or suspend the use of Your Account. We may also remove any such material from any of our social media pages.\",\r\n offensiveContent2:\r\n \"12.2 Where we reasonably believe that you are or may be in breach of any applicable laws, for example on hate speech, we may disclose your personal information to relevant third parties, including to law enforcement agencies or your internet\" +\r\n \" provider. We would only do so in circumstances where such disclosure is permitted under applicable laws, including Data Protection Legislation.\",\r\n amendmentsToPrivacyPolicy: \"13. Amendments To Privacy Policy\",\r\n amendmentsToPrivacyPolicy1:\r\n \"Nulia may change its Privacy Policy from time to time and at Nulia’s sole discretion. The date of the most recent revisions will appear at the beginning of the Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to these changes, please do not continue to \" +\r\n \"use our Platform. If material changes are made to the Privacy Policy, we will notify you by placing a prominent notice on our Platform or by sending you a notification in relation to this. We will not process Your Data in a manner not \" +\r\n \"contemplated by this Privacy Policy without your consent.\",\r\n howToContactUs: \"14. How to contact us\",\r\n howToContactUs1:\r\n \"If you need to contact us with regard to any of your rights as set out in this Privacy Policy, all such requests should be made in writing by email to privacy@nulia.com.\",\r\n dataPrivacyFramework: \"15. EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework\",\r\n dataPrivacyFramework1: \"Nulia, Inc. complies with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF) and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Nulia, Inc. has certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that it adheres to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles (EU-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the processing of personal data received from the European Union and the United Kingdom in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF. If there is any conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the EU-U.S. DPF Principles, the Principles shall govern. To learn more about the Data Privacy Framework (DPF) program, and to view our certification, please visit \",\r\n dataPrivacyFramework2: \"https://www.dataprivacyframework.gov/\",\r\n dataPrivacyFramework3: \".\",\r\n introduction: \"INTRODUCTION\",\r\n introduction1: \"Your privacy is of paramount importance to us, in relation to \",\r\n introduction2: \"https://nuliaworks.com \",\r\n introduction3: \"and our related platform, products and services (hereinafter referred to as \",\r\n introduction4: \"“our Platform”\",\r\n introduction5: \", or our “our \",\r\n introduction6: \"Service\",\r\n introduction7: \"”), which are operated by Nulia, INC (herein referred to as “\",\r\n introduction8: \"Nulia\",\r\n introduction9: \"”, “\",\r\n introduction10: \"we\",\r\n introduction11: \"us\",\r\n introduction12: \"” or “\",\r\n introduction13: \"our\",\r\n introduction14: \"”, which terms shall also include our Affiliates. “\",\r\n introduction15: \"Affiliates\",\r\n introduction16:\r\n \"” means any entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with us. “\",\r\n introduction17: \"Control\",\r\n introduction18:\r\n \"” for the purposes of this definition, means direct or indirect ownership or control of more than 50% of the voting interests of the subject entity). This privacy and cookies policy (“\",\r\n introduction19: \"Privacy Policy\",\r\n introduction20: \"”) applies to your use of our Service.\",\r\n introduction21: \"In this Privacy Policy, the term “\",\r\n introduction22: \"Personal Data\",\r\n introduction23:\r\n \"” means data relating to a living individual who is or can be identified either from the data or from the data in conjunction with other information that is in, or is likely to come into, our possession, and includes personal data as described \" +\r\n \"in Data Protection Legislation (as defined below).\",\r\n introduction24:\r\n \"Nulia has three broad categories of customers: (i) existing or new resellers that market the Service to end-customers (businesses, not individuals) (“\",\r\n introduction25: \"End-Customers\",\r\n introduction26:\r\n \"”); (ii) system integrators that offer the Service to their End-Customers as part of their digital transformation/change management practices; and (iii) End-Customers who come to Nulia either directly or through referral (together, the “\",\r\n introduction27: \"Customers\",\r\n introduction28: \"“).\",\r\n introduction29:\r\n \"Please read the following carefully. Installation of the Platform back-end, and/or registering for a Nulia account on behalf of a Customer as the Customer’s Microsoft 365 tenant administrator or otherwise (“\",\r\n introduction30: \"Your Account\",\r\n introduction31:\r\n \"”) on our Platform, and/or use of Your Account and/or the Platform, and/or accepting the terms of this Privacy Policy indicates that you have reviewed this Privacy Policy, understand its terms and have agreed to be bound by it in full. If you do\" +\r\n \" not agree to these terms you must leave our Platform immediately.\",\r\n introduction32: \"We will handle your Personal Data in accordance with Data Protection Legislation. “\",\r\n introduction33: \"Data Protection Legislation\",\r\n introduction34:\r\n \"” means the Irish Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“\",\r\n introduction35: \"GDPR\",\r\n introduction36:\r\n \"”), and any other applicable law or regulation relating to the processing of personal data and to privacy (including the E-Privacy Directive and the European Communities (Electronic Communications Networks and Services) (Privacy and Electronic \" +\r\n \"Communications) Regulations 2011 (“\",\r\n introduction37: \"E-Privacy Regulations\",\r\n introduction38: \"”), as such legislation may be supplemented, amended, revised or replaced from time to time.\",\r\n introduction39:\r\n \"This Privacy Policy sets out the basis on which any Personal Data which we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. We may use your Personal Data on any one or more of the following legal bases: (i) to perform a contract\" +\r\n \" with our Customers; (ii) for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or proceedings; (iii) for legitimate business purposes in providing the Service to our Customers (in which case, our legitimate interests will not override your \" +\r\n \"fundamental privacy rights); or (v) where you have given us your express consent.\",\r\n\r\n introduction40:\r\n \"Nulia complies with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information transferred from the European Union to the United States.  Nulia has \" +\r\n \"certified to the Department of Commerce that it adheres to the Privacy Shield Principles.  If there is any conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Privacy Shield Principles shall govern.  To learn more \" +\r\n \"about the Privacy Shield program, and to view our certification, please visit \",\r\n introduction41: \"https://www.privacyshield.gov/.\",\r\n introduction42: \" The Federal Trade Commission has jurisdiction over Nulia’s compliance with the Privacy Shield.\",\r\n\r\n //Listings Created\r\n applicationsCreated: \"Applications Created\",\r\n makeAnotherListing: \"Make Another Listing\",\r\n published: \"Published:\",\r\n unpublished: \"Unpublished:\",\r\n\r\n okay: \"okay\",\r\n //apocalypse\r\n apocalypseTitle: \"Could not complete that action\",\r\n apocalypseBodyServiceUnavailable: \"Sorry, a network error occurred. Please try again in a few minutes.\",\r\n apocalypseBodyGatewayTimeout: \"Sorry, connection timed out. Please try again in a few minutes.\",\r\n apocalypseBody:\r\n \"Uh oh, something went wrong. If you have enabled analytics, we are already on \" +\r\n \"the case! We recommend you try again in the meantime. If the problem persists \" +\r\n \"or you need immediate assistance, contact us with the error information below.\",\r\n\r\n //Dialog\r\n invalidLoginTitle: \"Invalid Login\",\r\n invalidLoginText: \"You don't have an admin account\",\r\n\r\n //TOS\r\n nuliaWorksPlatformTOS: \"Nulia Works Platform Terms of Service\",\r\n nuliaProvisionOfPlatform: \"1. Nulia's provision of the platform and limited platform license\",\r\n nuliaProvisionOfPlatform1: \"1. NULIA'S PROVISION OF THE PLATFORM\",\r\n nuliaProvisionOfPlatform1a:\r\n \"1.1 These Terms do not grant you a license to access the Platform and Service. Your license to access the Platform and Service is provided by a separate SaaS License Agreement between you and Nulia. However, the license granted to you by the separate \" +\r\n \"SaaS License Agreement may be contingent upon compliance with these Terms. Please consult your SaaS License Agreement for more information. \",\r\n nuliaProvisionOfPlatform1b:\r\n \"1.2 We try to keep our Platform and the Service safe, secure, and functioning properly, but we cannot guarantee the continuous operation of or access to the Platform or Service. In fact, we might even stop providing the Platform or Service completely or\" +\r\n \" stop providing certain features without notice. \",\r\n nuliaIntellectualProperty: \"2. Nulia's intellectual property\",\r\n nuliaIntellectualProperty1:\r\n \"2.1 “Intellectual Property Rights”: any and all intellectual property rights of any nature, whether registered, registerable or otherwise, including patents, utility models, trade marks, registered designs and domain names, applications for any of the\" +\r\n \" foregoing, trade or business names, goodwill, copyright and rights in the nature of copyright, design rights, rights in databases, moral rights, know-how and any other intellectual property rights that subsist in computer software, computer programs, websites, trade secrets, documents, information, techniques, business methods, drawings, logos, instruction manuals, lists and procedures and particulars of customers, marketing methods and procedures and advertising literature, including the “look and feel” of any websites, and in each case all rights and forms of protection of a similar nature or having equivalent or similar effect to any of these that may subsist anywhere in the world, in each case for their full term, together with any future rights and renewals or extensions, and “Intellectual Property” shall be interpreted accordingly. \",\r\n nuliaIntellectualProperty2:\r\n \"2.2 Nulia and our licensors retain all right, title, and interest in and to all Intellectual Property Rights related in and to the Platform and the Service. The Nulia logos and names are trademarks of Nulia and may be registered or unregistered. All \" +\r\n \"other product names, company names, marks, logos, and symbols on the Platform or Service may be the trademarks of their respective owners. \",\r\n nuliaIntellectualProperty3:\r\n \"2.3 Nothing in these Terms grants you a right to use any Nulia Intellectual Property Rights relating to the Platform or Service other than as expressly set out herein. \",\r\n yourIntellectualProperty: \"3. Your intellectual property\",\r\n yourIntellectualProperty1:\r\n \"3.1 To the extent that you upload/post any content to the Platform (“User Content”), you understand and acknowledge that you are solely responsible for such User Content. Further, you represent and warrant that you have the right, power, and authority\" +\r\n \" to (a) post that User Content without violating the rights of third parties, and (b) grant the licenses specified below. \",\r\n yourIntellectualProperty2:\r\n \"3.2 You acknowledge and agree that the poster of User Content, and not Nulia, is responsible for any User Content including any harms caused to you, another Customer, or a third party by such User Content. \",\r\n yourRightsandLicenseToNulia: \"4. Your rights and license to Nulia and other platform visitors\",\r\n yourRightsandLicenseToNulia1:\r\n \"You retain all ownership rights in any User Content you post on the Platform. To the extent permitted by applicable law, you also grant to Nulia and our successors and Affiliates a royalty-free, sub-licensable, transferable, perpetual, irrevocable, \" +\r\n \"non-exclusive, worldwide license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, list information regarding, edit, translate, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, and make derivative works of all such User Content and your details as contained \" +\r\n \"in your User Content, in whole or in part, and in any form, media, or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, for use in connection with the Platform and Nulia’s, our successors’ and Affiliates’ businesses, including, without limitation,\" +\r\n \" for promoting and redistributing part or all of the Platform (and derivative works thereof) in any media formats and through any media channels. You also hereby grant each Customer a non-exclusive license to access your User Content through the \" +\r\n \"Platform and to use, reproduce, distribute, and display such User Content to the extent permitted through the normal functionality of the Platform and subject to all applicable confidentiality and other provisions of the Terms, and applicable law. \",\r\n yourCommentsAndIdeas: \"5. Your comments and ideas\",\r\n yourCommentsAndIdeas1:\r\n \"You may submit to Nulia comments or ideas about the Platform and Service, including without limitation about how to improve the Platform or Service (collectively, “Ideas”). By submitting any Ideas, you agree that: (a) your disclosure is voluntary, \" +\r\n \"gratuitous, unsolicited, and without restriction and will not place Nulia under any fiduciary or other obligation, (b) your Ideas do not contain the confidential or proprietary information of third parties, and (c) you grant us a perpetual and \" +\r\n \"royalty-free license to use the Ideas without any additional compensation to you and to disclose the Ideas on a non-confidential basis or otherwise to anyone. You further acknowledge and agree that, by acceptance of your submission, \" +\r\n \"Nulia does not waive any rights to use similar or related ideas, including those known or developed by Nulia or obtained from sources other than you. \",\r\n thirdPartyIntellectualProperty: \"6. Third-party intellectual property\",\r\n thirdPartyIntellectualProperty1:\r\n \"6.1 Any information or content expressed or made available by a third party or any other Customer is that of the respective author(s) or distributor(s) and not of Nulia. Nulia neither endorses nor is responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any \" +\r\n \"opinion, advice, information, or statement made on the Platform by anyone other than Nulia’s authorized agents acting in their official capacities. \",\r\n thirdPartyIntellectualProperty2:\r\n \"6.2 The Platform may contain links to third-party websites. The Platform may also contain applications that allow you to access third-party websites via the Platform. Such third-party websites or applications are owned and operated by the third parties \" +\r\n \"and/or their licensors. The inclusion of any link or application on the Platform does not imply that we endorse the linked website or application. You use the links and third-party websites at your own risk and agree that your use of an application or \" +\r\n \"third-party website accessed via the Platform is on an “as is” and “as available” basis without any warranty for any purpose. \",\r\n thirdPartyIntellectualProperty3:\r\n \"6.3 You may not use the Platform to store any material or content, or disseminate any material or content, in any manner that constitutes an infringement of third party Intellectual Property Rights. \",\r\n permittedPlatformUses: \"7. Permitted platform uses\",\r\n permittedPlatformUses1:\r\n \"7.1 Nulia offers the Platform and Service for the purposes set out in the Terms and the SaaS License Agreement only and not for any other purpose. In addition, the Platform may provide, and may be used to obtain, general information and articles that \" +\r\n \"we believe may be of interest to End-Customers. While we try to ensure that any information we post is both timely and accurate, errors may appear from time to time. We do not make any representations or warranties with respect to any information \" +\r\n \"that is posted on the Platform by us or anyone else. \",\r\n permittedPlatformUses2:\r\n \"7.2 In no event should any content be relied on or construed as commercial, technical, financial, tax or legal advice or otherwise. You should independently verify the accuracy of any content. \",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses: \"8. Prohibited platform uses\",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses1:\r\n \"8.1 You may not use, or encourage, promote, facilitate, instruct, or induce others to use the Platform or Service for any activities that violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation; for any other illegal or fraudulent purpose or any purpose \" +\r\n \"that is harmful to others; or to transmit, store, display, distribute or otherwise make available content that is illegal, fraudulent or harmful to others. \",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses2:\r\n \"8.2 The following are examples of uses that are prohibited on the Platform or when using the Service: carrying out, seeking, offering, promoting, or endorsing any services, content, or activities that: \",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses2a:\r\n \"8.2.1 are defamatory, illegal, profane, vulgar, threatening, unlawfully discriminatory, illegal, pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit in nature; \",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses2b:\r\n \"8.2.2 would violate the Intellectual Property Rights, such as and including copyrights and trade secrets, of another person, entity, service, product, or website; \",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses2c:\r\n \"8.2.3 would violate (a) the Terms, or (b) the terms of service of another website or any similar contractual obligations; \",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses2d:\r\n \"8.2.4 regard the creation, publication, distribution of “fake news”, “hoax news” or similar false content purposefully intended to mislead end-users for financial or other gain; \",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses2e: \"8.2.5 regard or promote in any way any escort services, prostitution, or sexual acts; \",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses2f:\r\n \"8.2.6 constitute fraudulent or misleading uses or content, including: (i) falsifying or manipulating or attempting to falsify or manipulate records; (ii) misrepresenting your experience, skills, or information, including by representing another person’s\" +\r\n \" profile, or parts of another person’s profile, as your own; (iii) using a profile photo that misrepresents your identity or represents you as someone else; (iv) impersonating any person or entity, including, but not limited to, a Nulia \" +\r\n \"representative, forum leader, or falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity; (v) falsely stating or implying a relationship with another End-Customer; (vi) falsely attributing statements to any Nulia \" +\r\n \"representative, forum leader, guide or host; (vii) falsely stating or implying a relationship with Nulia or with another company with whom you do not have a relationship; or (viii) allowing another person to use your Account, which is misleading to \" +\r\n \"Nulia; \",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses2g:\r\n \"8.2.7 include posting Personal Data concerning another person without a valid legal basis to do so under Data Protection Legislation, or collecting or harvesting any Personal Data, including Account names, from the Platform. “Personal Data” has the \" +\r\n \"meaning in Data Protection Legislation. “Data Protection Legislation” means the Irish Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”), and any other applicable law or regulation relating to the processing of personal data and to privacy (including the E-Privacy Directive and the European Communities (Electronic Communications Networks and Services) (Privacy and Electronic Communications) Regulations 2011 (“E-Privacy Regulations”), as such legislation may be supplemented, amended, revised or replaced from time to time ; \",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses2h:\r\n \"8.2.8 duplicate or share accounts, other than as permitted by Nulia (share shall include any transfer, assignment or reassignment of any license to use the Platform or account from an authorized user to another person but shall exclude any transfer, assignment or reassignment of any license to use the Platform or account from an authorized user terminated from the organization to his or her replacement which is permitted in relation to term subscriptions); \",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses2i:\r\n \"8.2.9 include conduct or actions that could jeopardize the integrity of or circumvent the Platform, Service or Nulia’s proprietary information, including: (i) interfering or attempting to interfere with the proper operation of the Platform or Service\" +\r\n \" or any activities conducted on the Platform; (ii) bypassing any measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the Platform or any subparts of the Platform, including, without limitation, features that prevent or restrict use or copying\" +\r\n \" of any content or enforce limitations on use of the Platform or the content therein; (iii) attempting to interfere with or compromise the system integrity or security or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running the Platform; (iv) using\" +\r\n \" any robot, spider, scraper, or other automated means to access the Platform for any purpose without our express written permission, or (v) attempting to or interfering with or compromising the system integrity or security or deciphering any \" +\r\n \"transmissions to or from the servers running the Platform; \",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses2j:\r\n \"8.2.10 attempt to or impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load (as determined in Nulia’s sole discretion) on the Platform’s infrastructure; \",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses2k:\r\n \"8.2.11 introduce any invalid data, virus, worm, or other harmful or malicious software code, agent, hidden procedure, routine, or mechanism through or to the Platform that is designed to or known to cause to cease functioning, disrupt, disable,\" +\r\n \" harm, or otherwise impair in any manner, including aesthetic disruptions or distortions, the operation of (or to allow you or any other person to access or damage or corrupt data, storage media, programs, equipment, or communications or otherwise \" +\r\n \"interfere with operations of or on) the Platform or any software, firmware, hardware, computer system, or network of Nulia or any third party; \",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses2l:\r\n \"8.2.12 access or attempt to access the Platform or Service by any means or technology other than the interface provided; \",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses2m:\r\n \"8.2.13 include any framing or linking to the Platform or Service except as permitted in writing by Nulia; \",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses2n:\r\n \"8.2.14 include any attempt to or actually reverse engineering, modifying, adapting, translating, preparing derivative works from, decompiling, interfering with the operation of, or otherwise attempting to derive source code from any part \" +\r\n \"of the Platform or Service unless expressly permitted by applicable law or Nulia; or \",\r\n prohibitedPlatformUses2o:\r\n \"8.2.15 access or use the Platform or Service to build a similar service or application, or publish any performance or any benchmark test or analysis relating to the Platform. \",\r\n warrantyDisclaimer: \"9. Warranty disclaimer\",\r\n warrantyDisclaimer1:\r\n \"YOU AGREE NOT TO RELY ON THE PLATFORM, THE SERVICE, ANY INFORMATION ON THE PLATFORM OR THE CONTINUATION OF THE PLATFORM. THE PLATFORM AND THE SERVICE ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND ON AN “AS AVAILABLE” BASIS. OTHER THAN AS EXPRESSLY SET OUT IN \" +\r\n \"THE SAAS LICENSE AGREEMENT, NULIA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THE PLATFORM, THE SERVICE, PRODUCTS/SERVICES IN RESPECT OF WHICH INFORMATION IS EXCHANGED VIA THE PLATFORM, OR ANY ACTIVITIES OR ITEMS RELATED TO THESE TERMS. TO THE\" +\r\n \" MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW AND TO THE EXTENT APPLICABLE, NULIA DISCLAIMS ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS, AND WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ACCURACY, FITNESS FOR A \" +\r\n \"PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT. \",\r\n limitationOfLiability: \"10. Limitation of liability\",\r\n limitationOfLiability1:\r\n \"10.1 EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET OUT IN THE SAAS LICENSE AGREEMENT, NULIA IS NOT LIABLE, AND YOU AGREE NOT TO HOLD US RESPONSIBLE, FOR ANY DAMAGES OR LOSSES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE TERMS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: \",\r\n limitationOfLiability1a: \"10.1.1 YOUR USE OF OR YOUR INABILITY TO USE OUR PLATFORM OR SERVICE; \",\r\n limitationOfLiability1b: \"10.1.2 DELAYS OR DISRUPTIONS IN OUR PLATFORM OR SERVICE; \",\r\n limitationOfLiability1c:\r\n \"10.1.3 VIRUSES OR OTHER MALICIOUS SOFTWARE OBTAINED BY ACCESSING, OR LINKING TO, OUR PLATFORM OR SERVICE; \",\r\n limitationOfLiability1d: \"10.1.4 GLITCHES, BUGS, ERRORS, OR INACCURACIES OF ANY KIND IN OUR PLATFORM OR SERVICE; \",\r\n limitationOfLiability1e: \"10.1.5 DAMAGE TO YOUR HARDWARE DEVICE FROM THE USE OF THE PLATFORM OR SERVICE; \",\r\n limitationOfLiability1f:\r\n \"10.1.6 THE CONTENT, ACTIONS, OR INACTIONS OF THIRD PARTIES’ USE OF THE PLATFORM OR SERVICE; \",\r\n limitationOfLiability1g: \"10.1.7 A SUSPENSION OR OTHER ACTION TAKEN WITH RESPECT TO YOUR ACCOUNT; \",\r\n limitationOfLiability1h:\r\n \"10.1.8 INFORMATION, OR METRICS FOUND ON, USED ON, OR MADE AVAILABLE THROUGH THE PLATFORM; AND \",\r\n limitationOfLiability1i:\r\n \"10.1.9 YOUR NEED TO MODIFY PRACTICES, CONTENT, OR BEHAVIOR OR YOUR LOSS OF OR INABILITY TO DO BUSINESS, AS A RESULT OF CHANGES TO THE TERMS. \",\r\n limitationOfLiability2:\r\n \"10.2 ADDITIONALLY, IN NO EVENT WILL NULIA, OUR AFFILIATES, OUR LICENSORS, OR OUR THIRD-PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, OR INDIRECT COSTS OR DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, \" +\r\n \"LITIGATION COSTS, INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL COSTS, OR LOSS OF DATA, PRODUCTION, PROFIT, OR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THE LIABILITY OF NULIA, OUR AFFILIATES, OUR LICENSORS, AND OUR THIRD-PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS TO ANY CUSTOMER FOR ANY CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR IN \" +\r\n \"CONNECTION WITH THESE TERMS WILL NOT EXCEED USD $500. THESE LIMITATIONS WILL APPLY TO ANY LIABILITY, ARISING FROM ANY CAUSE OF ACTION WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THESE TERMS, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT \" +\r\n \"LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH COSTS OR DAMAGES AND EVEN IF THE LIMITED REMEDIES PROVIDED HEREIN FAIL OF THEIR ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. \",\r\n indemnification: \"11. Indemnification\",\r\n indemnification1:\r\n \"11.1 YOU HEREBY INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, AND HOLD HARMLESS NULIA, OUR AFFILIATES, AND OUR RESPECTIVE DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES, AND AGENTS (EACH AN “INDEMNIFIED PARTY”) FOR ALL INDEMNIFIED CLAIMS AND INDEMNIFIED LIABILITIES RELATING TO \" +\r\n \"OR ARISING OUT OF, IN RESPECT OF THE PLATFORM OR SERVICE, YOUR (OR ANY OF YOUR AGENTS/EMPLOYEES/CONTRACTORS’): (A) USE OF THE PLATFORM OR THE SERVICE IN CONTRAVENTION OF THESE TERMS; (B) FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE LAW; (C) NEGLIGENCE, WILLFUL \" +\r\n \"MISCONDUCT, OR FRAUD; (D) DEFAMATION, LIBEL, VIOLATION OF PRIVACY AND OR DATA PROTECTION RIGHTS (INCLUDING UNDER DATA PROTECTION LEGISLATION); (E) INFRINGEMENT OF NULIA OR THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OR ALLEGATIONS THEREOF; AND (F) ANY \" +\r\n \"USER CONTENT POSTED BY YOU. FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS CLAUSE 11.1, YOUR AGENTS INCLUDES ANY PERSON WHO HAS APPARENT AUTHORITY TO ACCESS OR USE YOUR ACCOUNT DEMONSTRATED BY USING YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD. \",\r\n indemnification2:\r\n \"11.2 “Affiliate” means any entity that, directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, Controls, is Controlled by, or is under common Control with Nulia. “Control” means a person possesses, directly or indirectly, the power to direct or \" +\r\n \"cause the direction of the management and policies of the other person (whether through the ownership of voting shares, by contract or otherwise) and “Controls” and “Controlled” shall be interpreted accordingly. \",\r\n indemnification3:\r\n \"11.3 “Indemnified Claim” means any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, losses, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and all related costs and expenses) arising from or relating to any claim, suit, proceeding, demand, or action \" +\r\n \"brought by you or a third party or other Customer against an Indemnified Party. \",\r\n indemnification5:\r\n \"11.5 In the case of a conflict between this indemnification clause and the content of the SaaS License Agreement, the terms of the SaaS License Agreement shall prevail. \",\r\n conflictTOS: \"12. conflict\",\r\n conflictTOS1:\r\n \"If there is an inconsistency between any of the provisions in these Terms and the SaaS Licence Agreement, the provisions in the SaaS Licence Agreement shall prevail in respect of such conflict. \",\r\n waiver: \"13. Waiver\",\r\n waiver1:\r\n \"No failure or delay by Nulia to exercise any right or remedy provided under these Terms or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.\" +\r\n \" No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. \",\r\n rightsAndRemedies: \"14. Rights and remedies\",\r\n rightsAndRemedies1:\r\n \"Except as expressly provided in these Terms, the rights and remedies provided under these Terms are in addition to, and not exclusive of, any rights or remedies provided by law. \",\r\n severance: \"15. Severance\",\r\n severance1:\r\n \"If any provision (or part of a provision) of these Terms is found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal, the other provisions shall remain in force. If any invalid, unenforceable or illegal\" +\r\n \" provision would be valid, enforceable or legal if some part of it were deleted, the provision shall apply with whatever modification is necessary to give effect to the commercial intention of these Terms. \",\r\n reportingAndCorrectingViolations: \"16. Reporting and correcting violations\",\r\n reportingAndCorrectingViolations1:\r\n \"If you become aware of any violation of these Terms, you must immediately report it to Nulia Customer Service. You agree to assist us with any investigation we undertake and to take any remedial steps we require in order to correct a violation of these\" +\r\n \" Terms. \",\r\n governingLaw: \"17. Governing law\",\r\n governingLaw1:\r\n \"These Terms and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of Oregon. \",\r\n jurisdiction: \"18. Jurisdiction\",\r\n jurisdiction1:\r\n \"Nulia and each Customer agrees that the courts of Lane County Oregon shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these Terms or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or \" +\r\n \"claims). \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright: \"19. Digital Millennium Copyright Act\",\r\n overview: \"Overview\",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright1:\r\n \"Nulia will respond to allegations of copyright violations in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The DMCA provides a process for a copyright owner to give notification to an online service provider concerning alleged copyright\" +\r\n \" infringement. When a valid DMCA notification is received, the service provider responds under this process by taking down the offending content. On taking down content under the DMCA, we will take reasonable steps to contact the owner of the removed \" +\r\n \"content so that a counter-notification may be filed. On receiving a valid counter-notification, we generally restore the content in question, unless we receive notice from the notification provider that a legal action \" +\r\n \"has been filed seeking a court order to restrain the alleged infringer from engaging in the infringing activity. \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright2:\r\n \"Please note that these notifications and counter-notifications are real-world legal notices provided outside the Service or Platform. Nulia may provide copies of such notices to the participants in the dispute or third parties, at our discretion \" +\r\n \"and as required by law—the privacy policy for the Service or Platform does not protect information provided in these notices. \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright3: \"Instructions for Filing Notification\",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright4:\r\n \"A written notification must be made. This can be done either by written letter or e-mail. The notification must: \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright4a:\r\n \"a.Identify in sufficient detail the copyrighted work that you believe has been infringed upon (i.e., describe the work that you own); \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright4b:\r\n \"b.Identify the item that you claim is infringing on your copyright, and provide information reasonably sufficient to locate the item within the social network. For example, “The allegedly infringing work I am referring to is located on the page:\" +\r\n \" [ insert Web address].”; \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright4c:\r\n \"c.Provide a reasonably sufficient method of contacting you; phone number and e-mail address would be preferred; \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright4d:\r\n \"d.(Optional) Provide information, if possible, sufficient to permit us to notify the user(s) who posted the content that allegedly contains infringing material. You may also provide screenshots or other materials that are helpful to identify the \" +\r\n \"works in question. (This is for identification only, not to “prove” substantive claims); \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright4e:\r\n \"e.Include the following statement: “I have good faith belief that the use of the copyrighted materials described above and contained on the service is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or by protection of law.”; \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright4f:\r\n \"f.Include the following statement: “I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly \" +\r\n \"infringed.”; and \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright4g: \"g.Sign the paper \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright5:\r\n \"Please note: The DMCA provides that you may be liable for damages (including costs and attorney’s fees) if you falsely claim that an item is infringing your copyrights. We recommend contacting an attorney if you are unsure whether content posted on\" +\r\n \" the Service or Platform is protected by copyright laws. \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright6: \"Send the written document to the designated Copyright Agent at Nulia: \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright7: \"Michele Zimba \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright8: \"Nulia, Inc \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright9: \"2852 Willamette Street, #603, Eugene, OR 97405 USA \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright10: \"Instructions for Filing Counter-Notification:\",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright10a:\r\n \"a.List the content that was removed by Nulia, and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed. Please identify the object in sufficient detail; \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright10b: \"b.Provide your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address (if available); \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright10c:\r\n \"c.State that you consent to the jurisdiction of federal district court for the judicial district in which you reside (or Eugene, Oregon if your address is outside the United States); \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright10d:\r\n \"d.State that you will accept service of process from the person who provided notification to us of the alleged infringement or an agent of such person; \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright10e:\r\n \"e.State the following: “I swear, under penalty of perjury, that I have a good faith belief that the material identified above was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled.”; and \",\r\n digitalMillenniumCopyright10f: \"f.Sign the paper. \",\r\n nuliaTermsOfUse: \"NULIA – TERMS OF USE\",\r\n termsOfUse: \"Terms of Use\",\r\n pleaseReadTheseTermsOfUse:\r\n \"PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE (the “Terms”) CAREFULLY AS THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING LEGAL RIGHTS, REMEDIES, AND OBLIGATIONS, AS WELL AS VARIOUS LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS. \",\r\n theseTermsAreAContract:\r\n \"These terms are a contract between you (“you” or “End-Customer”) and NULIA ACM, LLC, an Oregon Corporation with its offices located at 2852 Willamette Street, #603 Eugene, OR 97405 USA, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nulia, Inc \" +\r\n \"(“Nulia,” “we,” or “us”). \",\r\n youMustReadAgreeToAndAccept:\r\n \"You must read, agree to, and accept all of these terms to be an End-Customer (and to permit Authorized Users to use or to use as an Authorized User) the services provided by Nulia, including those offered at www.nuliaworks.com, and also including our\" +\r\n \" related platform, products and services (hereinafter referred to as our “Platform”, or our “Service”). \",\r\n subjectToTheConditions:\r\n \"Subject to the conditions set forth herein, Nulia may, in its sole discretion, amend these Terms at any time by posting a revised version on the Platform. Nulia will provide reasonable advance notice of any material amendment, by posting the updated\" +\r\n \" Terms on the Platform, and/or sending you notice by email. \",\r\n youUnderstandThatByUsing:\r\n \"YOU UNDERSTAND THAT BY USING THE PLATFORM OR SERVICE AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE, AND BY CONTINUING TO USE THE PLATFORM AFTER THE TERMS HAVE BEEN UPDATED, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THE TERMS IN THEIR ENTIRETY, YOU MUST \" +\r\n \"NOT ACCESS OR USE THE PLATFORM OR SERVICE . \",\r\n ifYouAgreeToTheTOS:\r\n \"IF YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE ON BEHALF OF AN ENTITY OR AGENCY, OR IN CONNECTION WITH PROVIDING OR RECEIVING SERVICES ON BEHALF OF AN ENTITY OR AGENCY, YOU REPRESENT, WARRANT AND UNDERTAKE TO NULIA THAT (i) YOU HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO BIND THAT \" +\r\n \"ENTITY OR AGENCY TO THE TERMS AND AGREE THAT YOU ARE BINDING BOTH YOU AND THAT ENTITY OR AGENCY TO THE TERMS, AND (ii) THAT ENTITY OR AGENCY SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE USE OF THE PLATFORM/SERVICE BY ITS AGENTS/EMPLOYEES/CONTRACTORS/END-USERS. IN THAT EVENT, “YOU” AND “YOUR” AS REFERRED TO IN THESE TERMS WILL REFER AND APPLY TO YOU AND THAT ENTITY OR AGENCY, TOGETHER WITH ITS AGENTS/EMPLOYEES/CONTRACTORS/END-USERS. \",\r\n\r\n nuliaTrialAgreement: \"Nulia Trial Agreement\",\r\n recitals: \"Recitals\",\r\n recitals1: \"(A) \",\r\n recitals1a: \"NULIA ACM, LLC, \",\r\n recitals1b:\r\n 'an Oregon Corporation with its offices located at 180 West 8th Avenue, Suite 200, Eugene OR 97401 (the \"',\r\n recitals1c: \"Supplier\",\r\n recitals1d:\r\n '\") is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nulia, Inc; Nulia, Inc and its subsidiaries have developed the Services and are the entire legal and beneficial owners of same. The Supplier is an authorized licensor of the Services. ',\r\n recitals2:\r\n '(B) You (the entity agreeing to these terms, referenced herein as the \"Customer\") are an End-Customer interested in using the Services. ',\r\n recitals3:\r\n '(C) Supplier and Customer are together referred to herein as \"the Parties,\" and each individually is referred to as a \"Party.\" ',\r\n recitals4:\r\n \"(D) Customer wishes to enter, and Supplier has agreed to provide, a no-fee, time-limited trial program to use the Services subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement\",\r\n recitals5:\r\n \"(E) Customer acknowledges that, at the end of the Trial Period, the right for the Customer to use the Services will immediately cease unless this Agreement is superseded by a subsequent Services Agreement that may include different payment terms. \",\r\n recitals6:\r\n \"(F) Customer acknowledges that only one Trial Period is available per Customer, and that absent a separate confirmation in writing from Supplier, any subsequent attempt by Customer to re-enter this Agreement to commence a new Trial Period after the \" +\r\n \"expiration of the first Trial Period is rendered void. \",\r\n agreedTerms: \"Agreed Terms\",\r\n agreedTerms1: \"1. Interpretation\",\r\n agreedTerms1a:\r\n \"1.1 The following definitions and rules of interpretation apply in this Agreement (including in the Recitals). \",\r\n agreedTerms1a1a: '\"Affiliate\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a1b:\r\n \"means in relation to a body corporate, any other entity which directly or indirectly Controls, is Controlled by, or is under direct or indirect common Control with, that body corporate from time to time. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a2a: '\"Agreement\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a2b:\r\n \"this software as a service license Agreement, including the contents of the other Schedules attached hereto. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a3a: '\"Authorized Users\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a3b:\r\n \"those end-users (employees, agents and independent contractors) of the End-Customer who have an Microsoft 365 license assigned to them. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a4a: '\"Business Day\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a4b:\r\n \"a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in Oregon when banks are open for business. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a5a: '\"Control\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a5ba:\r\n 'means that a person possesses, directly or indirectly, the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of the other person (whether through the ownership of voting shares, by contract or otherwise) and \"',\r\n agreedTerms1a5bb: \"Controls\",\r\n agreedTerms1a5bc: '\" and \"',\r\n agreedTerms1a5bd: \"Controlled\",\r\n agreedTerms1a5be: '\" shall be interpreted accordingly. ',\r\n agreedTerms1a6a: '\"Confidential Information\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a6b:\r\n \"information that is proprietary or confidential and is either clearly labelled as such or identified as Confidential Information in Clause 10.5. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a7a: '\"Customer Data\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a7b:\r\n \"the data inputted by the Customer, or the Supplier on behalf of the Customer or Authorized Users for the purpose of the Customer using the Services or facilitating the Customer’s use of the Services. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a8a: '\"Data Protection Legislation\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a8ba:\r\n \"the Irish Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018, GDPR and any other applicable law or regulation relating to the processing of personal data and to privacy (including the E-Privacy Directive and the European Communities (Electronic Communications Networks\" +\r\n \" and Services) (Privacy and Electronic Communications) Regulations 2011 (“\",\r\n agreedTerms1a8bb: \"E-Privacy Regulations\",\r\n agreedTerms1a8bc: \"”), as such legislation shall be supplemented, amended, revised or replaced from time to time\",\r\n agreedTerms1a9a: '\"Documentation\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a9b:\r\n \"the instructions for use of the Services made available by the Supplier online via https://nuliaacm.com, or such other web address notified by the Supplier from time to time. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a10a: '\"Effective Date\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a10b: \"the date upon which assent to this Agreement is indicated by Customer. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a11a: '\"End-Customers\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a11b: \"entities who use the Services. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a12a: '\"GDPR\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a12b: \"General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a13a: '\"Intellectual Property Rights” and \"Intellectual Property\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a13b:\r\n \"all intellectual property rights including patents, trademarks, service marks, design rights, copyright, database rights, moral rights, inventions, know how, confidential information and trade secrets (whether or not any of these are registered and \" +\r\n \"including any applications for registration of any such rights), together with all goodwill attaching or relating thereto, and all rights or forms of protection of a similar nature or having similar effect to any of these which may exist or come \" +\r\n \"into existence in the future anywhere in the world. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a14a: '\"Normal Business Hours\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a14b: \"8 am to 5.30 pm local Oregon time, each Business Day. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a15a: '\"Nulia Trademarks\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a15b:\r\n \"all names, marks, logos, designs, trade dress and other brand designations used by the Supplier in connection with the Services. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a16a: '\"Processor\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a16b: \"has the meaning given to such term in GDPR. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a17a: '\"Processing\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a17ba: \"has the meaning given to such term in Data Protection Legislation, and \",\r\n agreedTerms1a17bb: \"Processed\",\r\n agreedTerms1a17bc: \" and \",\r\n agreedTerms1a17bd: \"Process\",\r\n agreedTerms1a17be: \" shall be interpreted accordingly.\",\r\n agreedTerms1a18a: '\"Personal Data\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a18b: \"has the meaning set out in GDPR.\",\r\n agreedTerms1a19a: '\"Services\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a19b:\r\n \"the services provided by the Supplier to the Customer for use as an End-Customer under this Agreement, which will allow access to the Software and the Documentation via a website-based application (or any other website notified to the Customer by the\" +\r\n \" Supplier from time to time), as are more particularly described in Part 1 of Schedule 1.\",\r\n agreedTerms1a20a: '\"Software\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a20b:\r\n \"the software provided by the Supplier as part of the Services, details of which are set out in Schedule 2. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a21a: '\"Support Services\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a21b:\r\n \"the support to be provided by the Supplier in relation to the Services as set out in Part 3 of Schedule 1. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a22a: '\"Terms of Use\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a22b:\r\n \"the Nulia platform/website Terms of Use to which an End-Customer must agree during configuration and/or continued use of the Services. A current example of such Terms of Use may be attached hereto as Exhibit A, and may change from time to time as \" +\r\n \"described in the Terms of Use. The particular terms of the Terms of Use do not constitute part of the Agreement. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a23a: '\"Trial Period\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a23b:\r\n \"the term of this Agreement, being a period starting on the Effective Date and ending forty-five (45) days thereafter. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a24a: '\"User Subscriptions\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a24b:\r\n \"the user subscriptions provided to the Customer pursuant to Clause 8.1 which entitle Authorized Users to access and use the Services and the Documentation during the Trial Period in accordance with this Agreement and the Terms of Use. \",\r\n agreedTerms1a25a: '\"Virus\"',\r\n agreedTerms1a25b:\r\n \"anything or device (including any software, code, file or program which may: prevent, impair or otherwise adversely affect the operation of any computer software, hardware or network, any telecommunications service, equipment or network or any other \" +\r\n \"service or device; prevent, impair or otherwise adversely affect access to or the operation of any program or data, including the reliability of any program or data (whether by re-arranging, altering or erasing the program or data in whole or part or\" +\r\n \" otherwise); or adversely affect the user experience, including worms, trojan horses, viruses and other similar things or devices. \",\r\n agreedTerms1b:\r\n \"1.2 Clause, Schedule and paragraph headings shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement. \",\r\n agreedTerms1c:\r\n \"1.3 A person includes an individual, corporate or unincorporated body (whether or not having separate legal personality), and that person’s legal and personal representatives, successors or permitted assigns. \",\r\n agreedTerms1d:\r\n \"1.4 A reference to a company shall include any company, corporation or other body corporate, wherever and however incorporated or established. \",\r\n agreedTerms1e:\r\n \"1.5 Unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular shall include the plural and, in the plural, shall include the singular. \",\r\n agreedTerms1f:\r\n \"1.6 Unless the context otherwise requires, a reference to one gender shall include a reference to the other genders. \",\r\n agreedTerms1g:\r\n \"1.7 A reference to a statute or statutory provision is a reference to it as it is in force as of the Effective Date. \",\r\n agreedTerms1h:\r\n \"1.8 A reference to a statute or statutory provision shall include all subordinate legislation made as of the Effective Date under that statute or statutory provision. \",\r\n agreedTerms1i: \"1.9 A reference to writing or written includes e-mail. \",\r\n agreedTerms1j:\r\n \"1.10 References to Clauses, Schedules, and Exhibits are to the Clauses, Schedules, and Exhibits of this Agreement; references to paragraphs are to paragraphs of the relevant Schedule to this Agreement. \",\r\n agreedTerms2: \"2. License and User Subscriptions\",\r\n agreedTerms2a:\r\n \"2.1 This Agreement grants the Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable, right to use the Services for the duration of the Trial Period. \",\r\n agreedTerms2b: \"2.2 The Customer undertakes that: \",\r\n agreedTerms2ba:\r\n \"2.2.1 the maximum number of Authorized Users that it authorizes to access and use the Services shall not exceed the number of User Subscriptions listed in Schedule 1; \",\r\n agreedTerms2bb:\r\n \"2.2.2 it will not allow or suffer any User Subscription to be used by more than one individual Authorized User unless it has been reassigned in its entirety to another individual Authorized User, in which case the prior Authorized User shall no \" +\r\n \"longer have any right to access or use the Services; \",\r\n agreedTerms2bc:\r\n \"2.2.3 Customer will be required to accept a Terms of Use agreement during the provisioning of the Services in order to use the Services. An example of the Terms of Use as of the Effective Date may be provided in Exhibit A. The Terms of Use may \" +\r\n \"change from time to time following notice as specified in the Terms of Use. \",\r\n agreedTerms2c:\r\n \"2.3 The Customer shall not, and it shall procure that the Authorized Users shall not, access, store, distribute or transmit any Viruses, or any material during the course of its/their use of the Services that: \",\r\n agreedTerms2ca:\r\n \"2.3.1 is unlawful, harmful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, infringing, harassing or racially or ethnically offensive; \",\r\n agreedTerms2cb: \"2.3.2 facilitates illegal activity; \",\r\n agreedTerms2cc: \"2.3.3 depicts sexually explicit images; \",\r\n agreedTerms2cd: \"2.3.4 promotes unlawful violence; \",\r\n agreedTerms2ce:\r\n \"2.3.5 is discriminatory based on race, gender, color, religious belief, sexual orientation, disability; or \",\r\n agreedTerms2cf:\r\n \"2.3.6 in a manner that is otherwise illegal or causes damage or injury to any person or property; and the Supplier reserves the right, without liability or prejudice to its other rights to the Customer, to disable the Customer’s access to any \" +\r\n \"material that breaches the provisions of this Clause. \",\r\n agreedTerms2d: \"2.4 The Customer shall not, and it shall procure that the Authorized Users shall not: \",\r\n agreedTerms2da:\r\n \"2.4.1 except as may be allowed by any applicable law which is incapable of exclusion by agreement between the Parties: \",\r\n agreedTerms2daa:\r\n \"and except to the extent expressly permitted under this Agreement, attempt to copy, modify, duplicate, create derivative works from, frame, mirror, republish, download, display, transmit, or distribute all or any portion of the Services and/or Software \" +\r\n \"[and/or Documentation (as applicable)] in any form or media or by any means; or \",\r\n agreedTerms2dab:\r\n \"attempt to reverse compile, disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise reduce to human-perceivable form all or any part of the Software; or \",\r\n agreedTerms2db:\r\n \"2.4.2 access all or any part of the Services and/or Software and/or Documentation in order to build a product or service which competes with the Services or Software and/or Documentation; or \",\r\n agreedTerms2dc:\r\n \"2.4.3 use the Services and/or Software and/or Documentation to provide services to third parties; or \",\r\n agreedTerms2dd:\r\n \"2.4.4 subject to Clause 2.2.1, license, sell, rent, lease, transfer, assign, distribute, display, disclose, or otherwise commercially exploit, or otherwise make the Services and/or Software and/or Documentation available to any third party except the \" +\r\n \"End-Customer and Authorized Users, or \",\r\n agreedTerms2de:\r\n \"2.4.5 attempt to obtain, or assist third parties in obtaining, access to the Services and/or Software and/or Documentation, other than as provided under this Clause 2; and \",\r\n agreedTerms2e:\r\n \"2.5 The Customer shall use all reasonable endeavors to prevent any unauthorized access to, or use of, the Services and, in the event of any such unauthorized access or use, promptly notify the Supplier. \",\r\n agreedTerms2f:\r\n \"2.6 The Supplier reserves the right to advertise, promote, market and sell the Services directly and to appoint third-party resellers of the Services, in each case, within any geographic area. The Supplier may market, sell or engage in any marketing\" +\r\n \" or sales activities in relation to any of the Supplier’s services to the Customer and any End-Customer or Authorized User from time to time and the Customer, in consideration of the use of the Services, hereby consents to such marketing or sales and \" +\r\n \"shall use all reasonable endeavors to ensure that each End-Customer or Authorized User consents to such marketing and sales activities by virtue of the use or continued use of the Services during the Trial Period pursuant to this Agreement.\",\r\n agreedTerms2g:\r\n \"2.7 The rights provided under this Clause 2 are granted to the Customer only and shall not be considered granted to any Affiliate of the Customer. \",\r\n agreedTerms3: \"3. Services\",\r\n agreedTerms3a:\r\n \"3.1 The Supplier shall, during the Subscription Term, provide the Services to the Customer on and subject to the terms of this Agreement. \",\r\n agreedTerms4: \"4. Customer Data\",\r\n agreedTerms4a:\r\n \"4.1 The Customer and/or its Authorized Users, as applicable, shall own all right, title and interest in and to all of the Customer Data and shall have sole responsibility for the legality, reliability, integrity, accuracy and quality of the Customer \" +\r\n \"Data. \",\r\n agreedTerms4b:\r\n \"4.2 Retention of any Personal Data contained in Customer Data is dealt with in the Supplier's Privacy & Cookies Policy available at https://nulia.cloud/privacy. In the event of any loss or damage to Customer Data, the Customer’s sole and exclusive \" +\r\n \"remedy shall be for the Supplier to use reasonable commercial endeavors to restore the lost or damaged Customer Data. \",\r\n agreedTerms4c:\r\n \"4.3 To the extent that the Supplier (as Processor) Processes Personal Data pursuant to this Agreement on behalf of the Customer in respect of which Data Protection Legislation applies, the provisions set out in Schedule 4 shall apply to such Processing\" +\r\n \". If there is an inconsistency between any of the provisions or definitions of this Agreement and the provisions of Schedule 4, the provisions of Schedule 4 shall prevail in respect of such conflict. \",\r\n agreedTerms5: \"5. Third Party Data\",\r\n agreedTerms5aa:\r\n '5.1 The Supplier does not own any data, information or material that the Customer or any Authorized User submits to the Services in the course of using the Services, including any Customer Data (\"',\r\n agreedTerms5ab: \"Received Data\",\r\n agreedTerms5ac:\r\n ' \"). The Customer or the Authorized Users, not the Supplier, shall have sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability, appropriateness, and Intellectual Property ownership or right to use of all Received Data, and ' +\r\n \"the Supplier shall not be responsible or liable for any infringement of Intellectual Property Rights of any third party or for the deletion, correction, destruction, damage, loss or failure to store any Received Data. The Supplier reserves the right to \" +\r\n \"withhold, remove and/or discard Received Data without notice for any breach. Upon termination for cause or the expiration of the Trial Period, the Customer’s right to access or use Received Data immediately ceases, and the Supplier shall have no \" +\r\n \"obligation to maintain or forward any Received Data. Supplier also reserves the right to withhold, remove and/or discard Received Data upon expiration of the Trial Period. \",\r\n agreedTerms6: \"6. Supplier’s obligations\",\r\n agreedTerms6a:\r\n \"6.1 The Supplier undertakes that the Services described in Schedule 1 will be provided with reasonable skill and care. \",\r\n agreedTerms6b:\r\n \"6.2 The undertaking at Clause 6.1 shall not apply to the extent of any non-conformance which is caused by use of the Services contrary to the Supplier’s instructions, or modification or alteration of the Services by any party other than the Supplier \" +\r\n \"or the Supplier’s duly authorized contractors or agents. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Supplier: \",\r\n agreedTerms6ba:\r\n \"6.2.1 does not warrant that availability of the Services will be uninterrupted or error-free; or that the Services and/or the information obtained through the Services will be error free or will meet the Customer’s requirements; and \",\r\n agreedTerms6bb:\r\n \"6.2.2 is not responsible for any delays, delivery failures, or any other loss or damage resulting from the transfer of data over communications networks and facilities, including the internet, and the Customer acknowledges that the Services may be \" +\r\n \"subject to limitations, delays and other problems inherent in the use of such communications facilities. \",\r\n agreedTerms6c:\r\n \"6.3 This Agreement shall not prevent the Supplier from entering into similar (or other) agreements with third parties, or from independently developing, using, selling or licensing documentation, products, software and/or services which are similar to\" +\r\n \" those provided under this Agreement. \",\r\n agreedTerms7: \"7. Customer's Obligations\",\r\n agreedTerms7a: \"The Customer shall: \",\r\n agreedTerms7b: \"7.1 provide the Supplier with: \",\r\n agreedTerms7ba: \"7.1.1 all necessary co-operation in relation to this Agreement; and \",\r\n agreedTerms7bb:\r\n \"7.1.2 all necessary access to such information as may be required by the Supplier; in order to provide the Services, including but not limited to Customer Data, security access information and configuration services; \",\r\n agreedTerms7c:\r\n \"7.2 comply with all applicable laws and regulations with respect to its activities under this Agreement; \",\r\n agreedTerms7d:\r\n \"7.3 carry out all other Customer responsibilities set out in this Agreement in a timely and efficient manner. \",\r\n agreedTerms7e:\r\n \"7.4 ensure that the Authorized Users use the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; \",\r\n agreedTerms7f:\r\n \"7.5 obtain and shall maintain all necessary licenses, consents, and permissions necessary for the Customer, its contractors and agents to perform their obligations under this Agreement; \",\r\n agreedTerms7g:\r\n \"7.6 ensure that its network and systems comply with the relevant specifications provided by the Supplier from time to time; and \",\r\n agreedTerms7h:\r\n \"7.7 be solely responsible for (i) procuring and maintaining their network connections and telecommunications links from their systems to the Supplier’s data centers, and (ii) all problems, conditions, delays, delivery failures and all other loss or \" +\r\n \"damage arising from or relating to the such network connections or telecommunications links or caused by the internet. \",\r\n agreedTerms7i:\r\n \"7.8 The Customer warrants that Customer has not previously entered this Agreement with Supplier, and warrants that the Trial Period is the first Trial Period in which Customer has participated with Supplier. \",\r\n agreedTerms8: \"8. Charges and payment\",\r\n agreedTerms8a:\r\n \"8.1 Supplier acknowledges that, for the Trial Period, Customer shall be provided its rights under this agreement free of charge. \",\r\n agreedTerms8b:\r\n \"8.2 Customer acknowledges that, in any subsequent agreement between Supplier and Customer after the Trial Period, Supplier will require fees to be paid to obtain the rights of the Customer otherwise provided under this agreement. \",\r\n agreedTerms9: \"9. Proprietary Rights\",\r\n agreedTerms9a:\r\n \"9.1 The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Supplier and/or its licensors own all intellectual property rights in the Services and the Software and the Documentation. Except as expressly stated herein, this Agreement does not grant the Customer \" +\r\n \"or Authorized Users any Intellectual Property Rights, or any other rights or licenses in respect of the Services or the Software or the Documentation. \",\r\n agreedTerms9b:\r\n \"9.2 The Supplier confirms that it has all the rights in relation to the Services and the Software and the Documentation that are necessary to grant all the rights it purports to grant under, and in accordance with, the terms of this Agreement. \",\r\n agreedTerms10: \"10. Confidentiality\",\r\n agreedTerms10a:\r\n \"10.1 Each Party may be given access to Confidential Information from the other Party in order to perform its obligations under this Agreement. A Party’s Confidential Information shall not be deemed to include information that: \",\r\n agreedTerms10aa:\r\n \"10.1.1 is or becomes publicly known other than through any act or omission of the receiving Party; \",\r\n agreedTerms10ab: \"10.1.2 was in the other Party’s lawful possession before the disclosure; \",\r\n agreedTerms10ac:\r\n \"10.1.3 is lawfully disclosed to the receiving Party by a third party without restriction on disclosure; \",\r\n agreedTerms10ad:\r\n \"10.1.4 is independently developed by the receiving Party, which independent development can be shown by written evidence; or \",\r\n agreedTerms10ae:\r\n \"10.1.5 is required to be disclosed by law, by any court of competent jurisdiction or by any regulatory or administrative body. \",\r\n agreedTerms10af:\r\n \"10.1.6 Each Party shall hold the other’s Confidential Information in confidence and, unless required by law, not make the other’s Confidential Information available to any third party (notwithstanding on a ‘need-to-know’ basis provided those persons \" +\r\n \"first agree to observe the confidentiality of the information, i.e. to legal and financial advisers), or use the other’s Confidential Information for any purpose other than the implementation of this Agreement. \",\r\n agreedTerms10b:\r\n \"10.2 Each Party shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the other’s Confidential Information to which it has access is not disclosed or distributed by its employees or agents in violation of the terms of this Agreement. \",\r\n agreedTerms10c:\r\n \"10.3 Neither Party shall be responsible for any loss, destruction, alteration or disclosure of Confidential Information caused by any third party. \",\r\n agreedTerms10d:\r\n \"10.4 The Customer acknowledges that details of the Services, and the results of any performance tests of the Services, are included within the Supplier’s Confidential Information. \",\r\n agreedTerms10e:\r\n \"10.5 The Supplier acknowledges that the Customer Data is the Confidential Information of the Customer. \",\r\n agreedTerms10f: \"10.6 This Clause 10 shall survive termination of this Agreement, however arising. \",\r\n agreedTerms10g:\r\n \"10.7 No Party shall make, or permit any person to make, any public announcement concerning this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed), except as required by law, any \" +\r\n \"governmental or regulatory authority (including, without limitation, any relevant securities exchange), any court or other authority of competent jurisdiction. \",\r\n agreedTerms11: \"11. Indemnity\",\r\n agreedTerms11a:\r\n \"11.1 Customer shall indemnify Supplier from and against any claims by third parties and expenses (including legal fees and court costs) arising from: (i) damage to tangible property, personal injury or death caused by Customer's gross negligence, \" +\r\n \"willful misconduct, criminal or fraudulent acts; (ii) any misuse of Supplier's Intellectual Property or Confidential Information which is not expressly permitted by this Agreement; and (iii) any breach of Data Protection Legislation. \",\r\n agreedTerms11b:\r\n \"11.2 Customer shall also indemnify, defend and hold Supplier harmless from any and all claims by third parties and expenses (including legal fees and court costs) arising out of or in connection with, in respect of the Customer, the use of the \" +\r\n \"Services other than as permitted by this Agreement and the Terms of Use. \",\r\n agreedTerms11c: \"11.3 The foregoing indemnities are subject to the following: \",\r\n agreedTerms11ca:\r\n \"11.3.1 on the Supplier becoming aware of any such claim, the Customer is given prompt notice of the same; \",\r\n agreedTerms11cb:\r\n \"11.3.2 the Supplier provides reasonable co-operation to the Customer in the defense and settlement of such claim, at the Customer's expense; and \",\r\n agreedTerms11cc: \"11.3.3 the Customer is given sole authority to defend or settle the claim. \",\r\n agreedTerms12: \"12. Limitation of liability\",\r\n agreedTerms12a:\r\n \"12.1 This Clause 12 sets out the entire financial liability of the Supplier (including any liability for the acts or omissions of its employees, agents and sub-contractors) to the Customer and Authorized Users: \",\r\n agreedTerms12aa: \"12.1.1 arising under or in connection with this Agreement; \",\r\n agreedTerms12ab:\r\n \"12.1.2 in respect of any use made by the Customer or Authorized Users of the Services or any part of them; and \",\r\n agreedTerms12ac:\r\n \"12.1.3 in respect of any representation, statement or tortious act or omission (including negligence) arising under or in connection with this Agreement. \",\r\n agreedTerms12b: \"12.2 Except as expressly and specifically provided in this Agreement: \",\r\n agreedTerms12ba:\r\n \"12.2.1 the Customer assumes sole responsibility for results obtained from the use of the Services by the Customer or Authorized Users, and for conclusions drawn from such use. The Supplier shall have no liability for any damage caused by errors or \" +\r\n \"omissions in any information, instructions or scripts provided to the Supplier by the Customer or Authorized Users in connection with the Services, or any actions taken by the Supplier at the direction of the Customer or Authorized Users; and \",\r\n agreedTerms12c: \"12.3 Nothing in this Agreement excludes the liability of the Supplier: \",\r\n agreedTerms12ca: \"12.3.1 for death or personal injury caused by the Supplier’s negligence; or \",\r\n agreedTerms12cb: \"12.3.2 for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. \",\r\n agreedTerms12d:\r\n \"12.4 Subject to Clause 12.2 and Clause 12.3, the Supplier shall not be liable whether in tort (including for negligence or breach of statutory duty), contract, misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise for any loss of profits, loss of business, \" +\r\n \"depletion of goodwill and/or similar losses or loss or corruption of data or information, or pure economic loss, or for any special, indirect or consequential loss, costs, damages, charges or expenses however arising under this Agreement; and \",\r\n agreedTerms13: \"13. Disclaimer\",\r\n agreedTerms13a:\r\n '13.1 THE SERVICES, SOFTWARE, AND DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED \"AS IS.\"  SUPPLIER MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, IMPLIED BY STATUTE OR COMMON LAW, OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICES, ' +\r\n \"SOFTWARE, AND DOCUMENTATION, AND SUCH REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUDED FROM THIS AGREEMENT. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW, SUPPLIER DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF \" +\r\n \"MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND ANY WARRANTIES ARISING OUT OF ANY COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. SUPPLIER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SERVICES, SOFTWARE, AND DOCUMENTATION WILL FUNCTION \" +\r\n \"AS DESCRIBED, WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE, OR FREE OF HARMFUL COMPONENTS, OR THAT THE DATA CUSTOMERS OR AUTHORIZED USERS STORE WITHIN THE SERVICE WILL BE SECURE OR NOT OTHERWISE LOST OR DAMAGED. SUPPLIER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY SERVICE\" +\r\n \" INTERRUPTIONS, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, POWER OUTAGES, SYSTEM FAILURES OR OTHER INTERRUPTIONS, INCLUDING THOSE THAT AFFECT THE RECEIPT, PROCESSING, ACCEPTANCE, COMPLETION, OR SETTLEMENT OF ANY PAYMENT SERVICES. NO ADVICE OR INFORMATION OBTAINED \" +\r\n \"BY CUSTOMER OR AUTHORIZED USERS FROM SUPPLIER OR FROM ANY THIRD PARTY OR THROUGH THE SERVICES, SOFTWARE, OR DOCUMENTATION SHALL CREATE ANY WARRANTY NOT EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT. \",\r\n agreedTerms14: \"14. NON-SOLICITATION \",\r\n agreedTerms14a:\r\n \" The Customer hereby covenants to the Supplier that it shall not, and it shall procure that its Affiliates shall not, during the period of three (3) years from the Effective Date, solicit the services of, or endeavor to entice away from the Supplier\" +\r\n \" any director, employee or consultant of the Supplier who at the Effective Date or at any time during the period of twelve (12) months prior to the Effective Date was a director, employee or consultant of the Supplier (whether or not such person would\" +\r\n \" commit any breach of his contract of employment or engagement by reason of leaving the service of the Supplier). \",\r\n agreedTerms15: \"15. Term and termination \",\r\n agreedTerms15a:\r\n \"15.1 This Agreement shall, unless otherwise terminated as provided in this Clause 15, commence on the Effective Date and shall continue for the Trial Period, unless \",\r\n agreedTerms15aa: \"15.1.1 otherwise terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. \",\r\n agreedTerms15b: \"15.2 On termination of this Agreement for any reason (including the end of the Trial Period): \",\r\n agreedTerms15ba:\r\n \"15.2.1 all licenses granted and User subscriptions under this Agreement shall immediately terminate; \",\r\n agreedTerms15bb:\r\n \"15.2.2 each Party shall return and make no further use of any equipment, property, documentation and other items (and all copies of them) belonging to the other Party; \",\r\n agreedTerms15bc:\r\n \"15.2.3 the Supplier may destroy or otherwise dispose of any of the Customer Data in its possession. \",\r\n agreedTerms16: \"16. Compliance With Laws\",\r\n agreedTerms16a:\r\n \"16.1 Both Parties shall comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. \",\r\n agreedTerms17: \"17. Insurance\",\r\n agreedTerms17a:\r\n \"17.1 The Customer shall maintain, at its own expense, all necessary insurance against all losses, claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs, and expenses arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or use of the Services. \",\r\n agreedTerms18: \"18. Force Majeure\",\r\n agreedTerms18a:\r\n \"18.1 The Supplier shall have no liability to the Customer under this Agreement if it is prevented from or delayed in performing its obligations under this Agreement, or from carrying on its business, by acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond its \" +\r\n \"reasonable control, including, without limitation, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes (whether involving the workforce of the Supplier or any other party), failure of a utility service or transport or telecommunications network, act of God,\" +\r\n \" war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm or default of \" +\r\n \"suppliers or sub-contractors, provided that the Customer is notified of such an event and its expected duration. \",\r\n agreedTerms19: \"19. Conflict\",\r\n agreedTerms19a:\r\n \"19.1 Subject to Clause 4.3, if there is an inconsistency between any of the provisions in the main body of this Agreement and the Schedules, the provisions in the main body of this Agreement shall prevail. \",\r\n agreedTerms20: \"20. Variation\",\r\n agreedTerms20a:\r\n \"20.1 No variation of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the Parties (or their authorized representatives). \",\r\n agreedTerms21: \"21. Waiver\",\r\n agreedTerms21a:\r\n \"21.1 No failure or delay by a Party to exercise any right or remedy provided under this Agreement or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right \" +\r\n \"or remedy. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. \",\r\n agreedTerms22: \"22. Rights and Remedies\",\r\n agreedTerms22a:\r\n \"22.1 Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, the rights and remedies provided under this Agreement are in addition to, and not exclusive of, any rights or remedies provided by law. \",\r\n agreedTerms23: \"23. Severance\",\r\n agreedTerms23a:\r\n \"23.1 If any provision (or part of a provision) of this Agreement is found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal, the other provisions shall remain in force. \",\r\n agreedTerms23b:\r\n \"23.2 If any invalid, unenforceable or illegal provision would be valid, enforceable or legal if some part of it were deleted, the provision shall apply with whatever modification is necessary to give effect to the commercial intention of the Parties. \",\r\n agreedTerms24: \"24. Entire Agreement\",\r\n agreedTerms24a:\r\n \"24.1 This Agreement, and any documents referred to in it, constitute the whole agreement between the Parties and supersede any previous arrangement, understanding or agreement between them relating to the subject matter they cover. \",\r\n agreedTerms24b:\r\n \"24.2 Each of the Parties acknowledges and agrees that in entering into this Agreement it does not rely on any undertaking, promise, assurance, statement, representation, warranty or understanding (whether in writing or not) of any person (whether party to\" +\r\n \" this Agreement or not) relating to the subject matter of this Agreement, other than as expressly set out in this Agreement. \",\r\n agreedTerms25: \"25. Assignment\",\r\n agreedTerms25a:\r\n \"25.1 The Customer shall not assign, transfer, charge, sub-contract or deal in any other manner with all or any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement. \",\r\n agreedTerms25b:\r\n \"25.2 The Supplier may at any time assign, transfer, charge, sub-contract or deal in any other manner with all or any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement. \",\r\n agreedTerms26: \"26. No Partnership or Agency\",\r\n agreedTerms26a:\r\n \"26.1 Nothing in this Agreement is intended to or shall operate to create a partnership between the Parties, or authorize either Party to act as agent for the other, and neither Party shall have the authority to act in the name or on behalf of or otherwise\" +\r\n \" to bind the other in any way (including, but not limited to, the making of any representation or warranty, the assumption of any obligation or liability and the exercise of any right or power). \",\r\n agreedTerms27: \"27. Notices\",\r\n agreedTerms27a:\r\n \"27.1 Any notice required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered by hand or sent by pre-paid first-class post or recorded delivery post to the other Party at its address set out in this Agreement, or such other \" +\r\n \"address as may have been notified by that Party for such purposes, or sent by email to the other Party’s email address as set out in this Agreement. \",\r\n agreedTerms27b:\r\n \"27.2 A notice delivered by hand shall be deemed to have been received when delivered (or if delivery is not in business hours, at 9 am on the first Business Day following delivery). A correctly addressed notice sent by pre-paid first-class post or \" +\r\n \"recorded delivery post shall be deemed to have been received at the time at which it would have been delivered in the normal course of post. A notice sent by email shall be deemed to have been received at the time of transmission. \",\r\n agreedTerms27c: \"27.3 The notice details for the Parties are as follows: \",\r\n agreedTerms27ca: \"The Supplier: \",\r\n agreedTerms27cb: \"Name: Michele Zimba \",\r\n agreedTerms27cc: \"Address: 180 West 8th Avenue, Suite 200, Eugene, OR 97401 \",\r\n agreedTerms27cd: \"Email: michele@nulia.cloud \",\r\n agreedTerms27ce:\r\n \"The Customer will provide an email address for receiving notice during configuration of the Services. \",\r\n agreedTerms28: \"28. Execution\",\r\n agreedTerms28a:\r\n \"28.1 This Agreement may be executed by electronic affirmation on the part of the Customer, including but not limited to by clicking a button, checkbox, radio button, or other electronic interface to indicate consent. \",\r\n agreedTerms28b:\r\n \"28.2 The Parties each warrant to one another that they are respectively duly authorized to enter into this Agreement, and to have the Agreement executed as set out below and that, upon such execution, the Agreement shall have full force and effect \" +\r\n \"on both Parties. \",\r\n agreedTerms29: \"29. Governing Law\",\r\n agreedTerms29a:\r\n \"This Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of the State of Oregon and \" +\r\n \"the federal laws of the United States. \",\r\n agreedTerms30: \"30. Jurisdiction\",\r\n agreedTerms30a:\r\n \"Each Party irrevocably agrees that the courts within the State of Oregon shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual \" +\r\n \"disputes or claims), and consents to such jurisdiction. Each Party consents to venue in the courts sitting in the State of Oregon. Customer waives all defenses of lack of personal jurisdiction and forum non convenience. \",\r\n schedule1ProductsServices: \"SCHEDULE 1 – PRODUCT AND SERVICES \",\r\n part1: \"Part 1\",\r\n theProduct: \"1. The Product\",\r\n theProduct1:\r\n \"The Nulia Platform is a web-based adoption and change management platform that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to help users deeply use digital technologies to improve business processes and increase business performance. Starting \" +\r\n \"with Microsoft's Microsoft 365 solution, the platform combines a personalized approach with continuous measurement that verifiably ensures each user reaches their desired digital transformation outcomes. Nulia unlocks the full value of Microsoft 365\" +\r\n \" for users while enabling businesses to maximize return from their Microsoft 365 investment. \",\r\n theProduct2: \"Different versions of the Nulia Platform will be available: \",\r\n theProduct3a: \"Starter Version: \",\r\n theProduct3b:\r\n \"The Nulia Starter Version will allow end-users to be provisioned with a small subset of the Nulia Outcome Catalog. This covers initial Microsoft 365 onboarding enablement and one additional outcome, while also providing information about additional \" +\r\n \"Outcomes to motivate customers to subscribe to Nulia and unlock the full catalog. All content modalities and features of the Nulia platform will be available to customers on the Starter Version, but they will be limited in scope to support\" +\r\n \" only the two Outcomes available to them.\",\r\n theProduct4a: \"Complete Version: \",\r\n theProduct4b:\r\n \"The Nulia Complete Version will allow end-users to be provisioned with the full set of the Nulia Outcome Catalog. All content modalities and features of the Nulia platform will be available to end-users. \",\r\n theProduct5a: \"Trial Version: \",\r\n theProduct5b:\r\n \"The Nulia Trial Version may include all of the Nulia Full Version functionality, or may only include a limited subset of functionality, at the discretion of Supplier.\",\r\n theProduct6:\r\n \"The number of authorized licenses to use the Services shall not exceed the number of licensed Microsoft 365 users in respect of which the Services are offered by the Supplier during the Trial Period under this Agreement \",\r\n theProduct7: \"Additional Licenses: No additional licenses will be provided during the Trial Period \",\r\n part2: \"Part 2\",\r\n subscriptionFees: \"Subscription Fees\",\r\n subscriptionFees1: \"Starter Pack: US$TBD wholesale per authorized user\",\r\n subscriptionFees2: \"Full Version: US$TBD wholesale per authorized user\",\r\n subscriptionFees3: \"Trial Version (180 day trial period): $0\",\r\n part3: \"Part 3\",\r\n supportServicesSC: \"SUPPORT SERVICES (Starter Version and Complete Version): \",\r\n supportServices1:\r\n \"Nulia provides the following services and support for partners and end customers admins/named end customer contacts: \",\r\n supportServices1a:\r\n \"Nulia strives for a seamless, self-service installation and onboarding experience. When necessary, onboarding support for partner and end customer admins is provided to assist with the Nulia platform installation process. \",\r\n supportServices1b:\r\n \"Post-installation customer service, billing, and licensing support is provided to authorized partners and select named end customer contacts. At the sole discretion of Nulia, based on volume; Phone, email, and/or chat channels of contact may be \" +\r\n \"provided to partners and end customers for this purpose. \",\r\n supportServices1c:\r\n \"Post-installation technical support is provided to authorized partners and select named end customer contacts. Direct end customer support may be provided to those select named customer contacts depending on the size of the customer, the relationship\" +\r\n \" with partner or reseller, and further considerations that define the relationship with Nulia. \",\r\n supportServices2:\r\n \"As a non-mission critical application, Nulia strives to achieve the following service level goals: \",\r\n supportServices2a:\r\n \"Customer service, licensing, billing support: Response to inquiries within 48 business hours of submission \",\r\n supportServices2b:\r\n \"Technical support issues: Response and acknowledgement to reports of technical issues within 24 business hours \",\r\n supportServices2c:\r\n \"Service level availability: Nulia looks to exceed 99% uptime with availability of our web-based solution. The Nulia Platform has dependencies on the end customer MSFT tenant and network functioning normally, MSFT applications operating normally, and\" +\r\n \" the availability of MSFT usage information. \",\r\n supportServicesT: \"SUPPORT SERVICES (Trial Version): \",\r\n supportServicesT1:\r\n \"Nulia provides onboarding support to assist with the Nulia platform installation process for the Trial Version. Post-installation customer service and technical support is not provided with the Trial Version, and service levels are not specified\" +\r\n \" for the Trial Version. \",\r\n schedule2Software: \"SCHEDULE 2 – SOFTWARE \",\r\n schedule2Software1:\r\n \"The Nulia Platform includes a selection of end-user focused Outcomes that can be assigned to authorized users. This catalogue of Outcomes will be updated from time to time, and an up-to-date listing of this information is available via\" +\r\n \" the Platform to all authorized users of the Nulia Platform, including Nulia Admins. \",\r\n schedule3Reserved: \"SCHEDULE 3 – RESERVED \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms: \"SCHEDULE 4 – DATA PROCESSING TERMS \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsWe: \"“We”, “Us”, “Our”: Nulia AMC, LLC; and \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsYou: \"“You”, “Your”: the Customer \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsWeActAs:\r\n \"We act as a Processor on behalf of You, who act as a Controller, in respect of the Processing referred to in this Schedule. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms1: \"1.Definitions \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms1a:\r\n \"1.1 The following definitions and rules of interpretation apply in this Schedule. Defined terms used in this Schedule which have not been given definitions shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Agreement. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsAgreement: \"Agreement:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsAgreement1: \" the SaaS License Agreement between the Parties. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsAppropriate: \"Appropriate Technical and Organizational Measures:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsAppropriate1:\r\n \" has the meaning given to such term in Data Protection Legislation (including, as appropriate, the measures referred to in Article 32(1) of the GDPR). \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsAuthorizedPerson: \"Authorized Person:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsAuthorizedPerson1:\r\n \" the personnel authorized on Your behalf to provide instructions to Us in relation to the Processing provisions in this Schedule. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsBusiness: \"Business Purpose:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsBusiness1: \" the provision of the Services\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsController: \"Controller:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsController1: \" has the meaning given to such term in GDPR\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsData: \"Data:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsData1:\r\n \" any data or information, in whatever form, including but not limited to images, still and moving, and sound recordings\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsDataProtectionLegislation: \"Data Protection Legislation:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsDataProtectionLegislation1:\r\n \" means the Irish Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018, GDPR and any other applicable law or regulation relating to the processing of personal data and to privacy (including the E-Privacy Directive and the European Communities (Electronic \" +\r\n \"Communications Networks and Services) (Privacy and Electronic Communications) Regulations 2011 (“\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsDataProtectionLegislation2: \"E-Privacy Regulations\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsDataProtectionLegislation3:\r\n \"”)), as such legislation shall be supplemented, amended, revised or replaced from time to time. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsDataProtectionOfficer: \"Data Protection Officer:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsDataProtectionOfficer1:\r\n \" a data protection officer appointed pursuant to Data Protection Legislation. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsDataSubject: \"Data Subject:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsDataSubject1:\r\n \" an individual who is the subject of Personal Data for the purposes of this Schedule, in respect of which the Customer is the Controller, including Authorized Users. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsDelete: \"Delete:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsDelete1:\r\n \" to remove or obliterate Personal Data such that it cannot be recovered or reconstructed. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsDPC: \"DPC:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsDPC1:\r\n \" Data Protection Commission, Canal House, Station Road, Portarlington, Co. Laois, R32 AP23, Ireland. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsEEA: \"EEA:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsEEA1: \" European Economic Area. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsFurtherSubProcessor: \"Further Sub-Processor: \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsFurtherSubProcessor1:\r\n \"has the meaning given to such term in Clause 11.1 of this schedule\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsGDPR: \"GDPR: \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsGDPR1: \"General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsOurSystem: \"Our System: \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsOurSystem1:\r\n \"any information technology system or systems owned or operated by Us to which Your Data is delivered or on which the Services are performed. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsPersonalData: \"Personal Data:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsPersonalData1:\r\n \" has the meaning set out in GDPR, and for the purposes of this Schedule, relates only to personal data, or any part of such personal data, in respect of which You are the Controller, and in respect of which We are a Processor. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsPersonalDataBreach: \"Personal Data Breach:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsPersonalDataBreach1:\r\n \" means any “personal data breach” as defined in the GDPR in respect of the Personal Data which is caused by Us. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsProcessor: \"Processor:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsProcessor1: \" has the meaning given to such term in GDPR. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsProcessing: \"Processing:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsProcessing1: \" has the meaning given to such term in Data Protection Legislation, and \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsProcessing2: \"Processed\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsProcessing3: \"and\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsProcessing4: \"Process\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsProcessing5: \"shall be interpreted accordingly. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsRepresentatives: \"Representatives:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsRepresentatives1:\r\n \" a Party’s employees, officers, representatives, advisers or subcontractors involved in the provision or receipt of the Services. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsRestrictedTransfer: \"Restricted Transfer:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsRestrictedTransfer1:\r\n \" any transfer of Personal Data to countries outside of the EEA which are not subject to an adequacy decision by the European Commission, where such transfer would be prohibited by Data Protection Legislation. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsSecurityFeatures: \"Security Features:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsSecurityFeatures1:\r\n \" any security feature, including any encryption, pseudonymisation, key, PIN, password, token or smartcard. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsSpecificInstructions: \"Specific Instructions:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsSpecificInstructions1:\r\n \" instructions meeting the criteria set out in Clause 2.1 of this Schedule. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsStandardContractualClauses: \"Standard Contractual Clauses:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsStandardContractualClauses1:\r\n \" the contractual clauses dealing with the transfer of Personal Data outside the EEA, which have been approved by (i) the European Commission under Data Protection Legislation, or (ii) by the DPC or an equivalent competent authority under Data \" +\r\n \"Protection Legislation. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsSubProcessor: \"Sub-processor:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsSubProcessor1:\r\n \" means any natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body who Processes Personal Data on behalf of a Processor.\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsYourData: \"Your Data:\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTermsYourData1:\r\n \" the Personal Data of Data Subjects which We have access to in respect of the provision of the Services, and any other Personal Data Processed by Us on behalf of You. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms2: \"2. Services\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms2a:\r\n \"2.1 We shall not act on any specific instructions given by You from time to time during the Subscription Term in respect of Processing unless they are: \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms2aa: \"2.1.1 in writing (including by electronic means); and\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms2ab: \"2.1.2 given by an Authorized Person. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms2c:\r\n \"2.3 We shall Process Your Data for the Business Purpose only and in compliance with Your instructions from time to time, which may be: \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms2ca: \"2.3.1 Specific Instructions; or\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms2cb:\r\n \"2.3.2 the general instructions set out in this Schedule or the Agreement unless required to do otherwise by law, in which case, where legally permitted, We shall inform You of such legal requirement before Processing. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms2d:\r\n \"2.4 The types of Personal Data to be Processed pursuant to this Schedule shall include (but shall not be limited to) [Data Subject’s names, email addresses, phone numbers, and the categories of Data Subject to whom such Personal Data relates shall be Authorized Users’ and other employees, individual customers, individual suppliers, agents etc. of the [Customer/End-Customer]. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms3: \"3. Parties' obligations\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms3a: \"3.1 We shall: \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms3aa:\r\n \"3.1.1 only make copies of Your Data to the extent reasonably necessary for the Business Purpose (which, for clarity, may include for generating logs in relation to the use of the Services, back-up, mirroring (and similar availability enhancement \" +\r\n \"techniques), security, disaster recovery and testing the Services); and \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms3ab:\r\n \"3.1.2 not extract, reverse-engineer, re-utilise, use, exploit, redistribute, re-disseminate, copy or store Your Data other than for the Business Purpose. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms3b:\r\n \"3.2 We shall notify You in writing without delay of any situation or envisaged development that shall in any way change the ability of Us to Process Your Data as set out in this Schedule. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms3c:\r\n \"3.4 At Your request and cost, We shall provide to You with a copy of all Your Data held by Us in a commonly used format. We shall comply with any request from You requiring Us to Delete any of Your Data \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms3d:\r\n \"3.5 At Your request and cost, taking into account the nature of Our Processing of the Personal Data and the information available, We shall provide to You such information and such assistance as You may reasonably require, and within the timescales\" +\r\n \" reasonably specified by You, to allow You to comply with Your obligations under Data Protection Legislation, \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms3e:\r\n \"3.6 Any proposal by Us to in any way use or make available Your Data other than as provided for pursuant to this Schedule shall be subject to prior written approval of You. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms3g:\r\n \"3.7 You acknowledge that We are under no duty to investigate the completeness, accuracy or sufficiency of (i) any instructions received from You, or (ii) any of Your Data. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms3h: \"3.8 You shall: \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms3ha:\r\n \"3.8.1 ensure that You are entitled to transfer Your Data to Us so that We may lawfully process and transfer (if applicable) Your Data in accordance with this Schedule; \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms3hb:\r\n \"3.8.3 notify Us in writing without delay of any situation or envisaged development that shall in any way influence, change or limit the ability of Us to Process Your Data as set out in this Agreement; \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms3hc:\r\n \"3.8.5 provide such information and such assistance to Us as We may reasonably require, and within the timescales reasonably specified by Us, to allow Us to comply with Our obligations under Data Protection Legislation; and \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms3hd:\r\n \"3.8.6 ensure that You fully comply with Your obligations pursuant to Data Protection Legislation. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms4: \"4. Our employees \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms4a:\r\n \"4.1 We shall take reasonable steps to ensure that Our employees have committed themselves to a binding duty of confidentiality in respect of Your Data. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms5: \"5. Records \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms5a:\r\n \"5.1 We shall keep at Our normal place of business records (including in electronic form) relating to all categories of Processing activities carried out on behalf of You, containing: \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms5aa:\r\n \"5.1.1 the general description of the security measures taken in respect of the Personal Data, including details of any Security Features and the Appropriate Technical and Organizational Measures; \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms5ab:\r\n \"5.1.2 the name and contact details of Us; any sub-processor; and where applicable Our representatives; and where applicable any Data Protection Officer appointed by Us; \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms5ac: \"5.1.3 the categories of Processing by Us on behalf of You; and \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms5ad:\r\n \"5.1.4 details of any non-EEA Personal Data transfers, and the safeguards in place in respect of such transfers. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms6: \"6. Audits \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms6a:\r\n \"6.1 Subject to Clause 6.2, 6.3 and 6.5, and to the extent required by Data Protection Legislation, You shall have the right to examine and review the use by Us of Your Data only for the purpose of ascertaining that Your Data has been used and\" +\r\n \" Processed in accordance with the terms of this Schedule. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms6b:\r\n \"6.2 An audit under this Clause 6 shall be carried out on the following basis: (i) You must first contact Us in writing asking for evidence of compliance with Our obligations under this Schedule, and We shall respond to such email within thirty (30)\" +\r\n \" Business Days; (ii) if We have not responded to Your email with a response which is reasonably satisfactory to You within such thirty (30) Business Day period then, no more than once in any twelve (12) month period and during Normal Business Hours\" +\r\n \" during the course of one Business Day You may audit Our Processing of Your Personal Data at a location agreed by Us. You shall bear the reasonable expenses incurred by Us in respect of any such audit and any such audit shall not interfere with the\" +\r\n \" normal and efficient operation of Our business. We may require, as a condition of granting such access, that You (and representatives of You) enter into reasonable confidentiality undertakings with Us. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms6c:\r\n \"6.3 The scope of any examination and review by You of the use by Us of the Personal Data shall be agreed in writing prior to the commencement of any such examination and review. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms6d:\r\n \"6.4 In the event that the audit process determines that We are materially non-compliant with our obligations under this Schedule, You may, by notice in writing, deny further access to Your Data. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms6e:\r\n \"6.5 To the extent permitted under Data Protection Legislation, We may demonstrate Our and, if applicable Our Further Sub-processors’, compliance with Our obligations under this Schedule through Our compliance with a certification scheme or code of\" +\r\n \" conduct approved under Data Protection Legislation. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms7: \"7. Data Subject Requests \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms7a: \"7.2 We shall notify You as soon as reasonably practicable if We receive: \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms7aa:\r\n \"7.2.1 a request from a Data Subject for access to that person’s Personal Data (relating to the Services); \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms7ab:\r\n \"7.2.2 any communication from a Data Subject (relating to the Services) seeking to exercise rights conferred on the Data Subject by Data Protection Legislation in respect of Personal Data; or \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms7ac:\r\n \"7.2.3 any complaint or any claim for compensation arising from or relating to the Processing of such Personal Data. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms7b:\r\n \"7.3 We shall not disclose Your Data to any Data Subject or to a third party other than at the request of You, as provided for in this Agreement, or as required by law. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms7c:\r\n \"7.4 We shall not respond to any request from a Data Subject except as required by law. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms8: \"8. Security \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms8a:\r\n \"8.1 We shall, in accordance with Our requirements under Data Protection Legislation, implement Appropriate Technical and Organizational Measures to safeguard Your Data from unauthorized or unlawful Processing or accidental loss, alteration, disclosure,\" +\r\n \" destruction or damage, and that, having regard to the state of technological development and the cost of implementing any measures (and the nature, scope, context and purposes of Processing, as well as the risk to Data Subjects), such measures shall\" +\r\n \" be proportionate and reasonable to ensure a level of security appropriate to the harm that might result from unauthorized or unlawful Processing or accidental loss, alteration, disclosure, destruction or damage and to the nature of the Personal\" +\r\n \"Data to be protected. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms8b:\r\n \"8.2 We shall ensure that Your Data provided by You can only be accessed by persons and systems that are authorized by Us and necessary to meet the Business Purpose, and that all equipment used by Us for the Processing of Your Data shall be\" +\r\n \"maintained by Us in a physically secure environment. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms9: \"9. Breach reporting \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms9a:\r\n \"9.1 We shall promptly inform You if any of Your Data is lost or destroyed or becomes damaged, corrupted, or unusable, or if there is any accidental, unauthorized or unlawful disclosure of or access to any of Your Data. In such case, We will use Our\" +\r\n \" reasonable endeavors to restore Your Data at Your expense (save where the incident was caused by Our negligent act or omission, in which case it will be at Our expense), and will comply with all of Our obligations under Data Protection Legislation in\" +\r\n \" this regard. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms9b:\r\n \"9.2 We must inform You of any Personal Data Breaches, or any complaint, notice or communication in relation to a Personal Data Breach, without undue delay. Taking into account the nature of Our Processing of the Personal Data and the information\" +\r\n \" available to Us and at Your cost We will provide sufficient information and assist You in ensuring compliance with Your (or the Controller’s, if applicable) obligations in relation to notification of Personal Data Breaches (including the obligation to\" +\r\n \" notify Personal Data Breaches to the DPC within seventy two (72) hours), and communication of Personal Data Breaches to Data Subjects where the breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights of such Data Subjects. Taking into account the nature\" +\r\n \" of Our Processing of the Personal Data and the information available to Us and at Your cost, We shall co-operate with You and take such reasonable commercial steps as \" +\r\n \"are directed by You to assist in the investigation, mitigation and remediation of each such Personal Data Breach. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms10: \"10. Restricted transfers\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms10a:\r\n \"10.1 A Restricted Transfer may not be made by Us save where there are appropriate safeguards in place with regard to the rights of Data Subjects (including but not limited to the Standard Contractual Clauses, Privacy Shield, binding corporate rules, or any other model clauses approved by the DPC) \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms10b:\r\n \"10.2 Subject to Clause 10.3, in the event of any Restricted Transfer by Us to a contracted Sub-processor, to any affiliate of You or otherwise (“\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms10ba: \"Data Importer\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms10bb:\r\n '\") for which your consent has been obtained (or is unnecessary), We and You shall procure that: (i) You or the relevant Controller (where the Restricted Transfer is being made at the request of You or the relevant Controller), or' +\r\n \"Us acting as agent for and on behalf of the relevant Controller (where the Restricted Transfer is being made at the request of Us), and (ii) the Data Importer, shall enter into the Standard Contractual Clauses in respect of such Restricted Transfer. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms10c:\r\n \"10.3 Clauses 10.1 or 10.2 shall not apply to a Restricted Transfer if other compliance steps (which may include, but shall not be limited to, obtaining explicit consents from Data Subjects) have been taken to allow the relevant Restricted Transfer to\" +\r\n \" take place without breach of applicable Data Protection Legislation. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms11: \"11. Sub-processors \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms11a:\r\n \"11.1 You agree and acknowledge that We may have Your Data Processed by any of Our affiliates and by any agents and contractors for the purpose of providing the Service (a “\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms11aa: \"Further Sub-processor\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms11ab:\r\n \"”). A list of the categories of Further Sub-processors used by Us may be maintained on our website or may be otherwise notified to You by Us from time to time. If you object to such sub-processing arrangements, then You should confirm this to Us and, if you do \" +\r\n \"so confirm, You acknowledge that You may no longer be able to avail of some or all of Our Services. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms11b:\r\n \"11.2 We must enter into a data processing contract with the Further Sub-processor which places the same (or substantially similar) data protection obligations on the Sub-processor as We have in this Schedule (in particular, providing sufficient guarantees to \" +\r\n \"implement Appropriate Technical and Organizational Measures in such a manner that the Processing will meet the requirements of Data Protection Legislation). \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms11c:\r\n \"11.3 With respect to each Sub-processor, We shall, before the Further Sub-processor first Processes Your Data, ensure that the Further Sub-processor is capable of providing the level of protection for Your Data required by this Schedule. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms11d:\r\n \"11.4 We will respect the conditions for engaging Further Sub-processors as set out in Article 28 (4) of the GDPR. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms12: \"12. Warranties \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms12a:\r\n \"12.1 We warrant and undertake to You that We will Process Your Data in compliance with our obligations under Data Protection Legislation; \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms12b: \"12.2 You hereby warrant and undertake to Us that: \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms12ba:\r\n \"12.2.1 You have complied with and shall continue to comply with Your obligations under Data Protection Legislation; \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms12bb:\r\n \"12.2.5 You shall not, by act or omission, cause Us to violate any Data Protection Legislation, notices provided to, or consents obtained from, Data Subjects as a result of Us or Our Sub-processors’ Processing the Personal Data.\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms13: \"13. Reserved\",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms14: \"14. Limitation of liability \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms14a:\r\n \"14.1 Unless required to do so by the DPC or any other competent supervisory authority, We shall not make any payment or any offer of payment to any Data Subject in response to any complaint or any claim for compensation arising from or relating to the\" +\r\n \" Processing of Your Data, without the prior written agreement of You. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms14b:\r\n \"14.2 You acknowledge and agree that We are reliant on You for direction as to the extent to which We are entitled to use and process Your Data. Consequently, We will not be liable to You for any claim brought by a Data Subject or in respect of any \" +\r\n \"regulatory fine or order arising from any action or omission by Us, to the extent that such action or omission resulted directly from Your instructions and/or the transactions contemplated by this Schedule. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms15: \"15. Consequences of termination on Your Data. \",\r\n schedule4DataProcessingTerms15a:\r\n \"15.1 Upon termination or expiry of this Agreement, at the choice of You, We shall Delete or return all Your Data to You and Delete existing copies of Your Data, unless legally required/entitled to store Your Data for a period of time. If You make no such election within a ten (10) day period of termination or expiry of this Agreement, We may Delete any of Your Data in our possession; and if You elect for destruction rather than return of Your Data, We shall as soon as reasonably practicable ensure that all Your Data is Deleted from Our System, unless legally required/entitled to store Your Data for a period of time. \",\r\n exhibitA: \"EXHIBIT A: TERMS OF USE\",\r\n exhibitA1:\r\n \"An end customer Terms of Use statement will appear at the time of end customer provisioning. The text of this agreement will be available via the Platform, and will require end customer click thru to agree to the Term of Use. 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